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Qiang realizes he doesn't fare well with water

Qiang was not expecting the water to be as cold as it was. He was thankful it barely came past their ankles; he wouldn't have to carry New around on his back the whole time. It only reminded him just how bad his body was at regulating temperature. The second he had stepped foot into the water, he was freezing.

While it felt good with the summer sun beating down on them all day, it only lasted a few seconds. Dong his best to hide his quivering lips, he listened as the producer explained the first game to them. Qiang found it amusing; trying to push the tubes as far as they could using only their hips.

He laughed along with the others as they teased other members. He was the last to go and everyone was counting on him to get the last of the few centimeters so they could win the gold. Qiang shivered a little at how cold he felt and Hyunjae took that as he was nervous. "Don't be nervous, hyung! Jacob barely moved his. We'll still love you."

"We will not! Money is everything in this life!" New called out and Qiang glared at him, readying himself in his tube. He did his best to conceal his face as the boys unconvincingly lied about how many centimeters he had tossed it. Thankfully, the staff appreciated their antics and let it slide, giving them the cash.

The next game came around and Qiang hoped that it would be the last. He wasn't able to feel his toes anymore and it was getting much harder to hide how could he was. He involuntarily shivered again and Younghoon frowned, moving closer to him and subtly wrapping himself around him in a back hug. Qiang thanked him telepathically. He had good intentions, but he was wet himself and it only made it seem colder.

"We're almost done I think," Haknyeon murmured, causing Qiang to jump a little. He hadn't even noticed the boy had moved over by him. He was brought out of his thoughts of warm places and hot sunshine when he heard the others start playfully scolding Eric for his plan not working out.

"It was a good try," Qiang murmured, trying to keep the boys' spirits lifted. Eric beamed brightly at him. The next two to go Hyunjae and New. Qiang was as shocked as everyone else that the two had told the others to stop exactly where they had marked their red line. He figured that New had some mathematical formula worked out in his head or something that played into it. Nevertheless, they won more money and Qiang was anticipating being able to leave and get warm.

Unfortunately, there was one more game and Qiang couldn't leave. "You have to do it! You're the strongest!" Changmin called out and Qiang protested but Changmin only pulled him forward and placed the bucket on his head. "Hold it! We're starting!" Qiang sighed in annoyance but held tight, trying not to shiver and send the water flying out. The quicker they could get this done, the quicker he could feel his body parts again.

He did find himself enjoying it, especially when the others started to mess with Sangyeon. It was not so fun when they started to do it to him. He yelped as someone poured their bowl of water down his back on "accident" instead of the bucket that was currently breaking his neck. It finally finished and he chided everyone to measure quickly. They won again, the staff letting it slide when the ruler was on a slant.

Qiang practically sprinted out of the water and back to their site, grabbing one of the blankets in the tent and wrapping it around him. Jacob laughed and went inside, coming back out with some dry clothes. "Go put these on. Your lips are practically blue. Why didn't you say anything?" Qiang thanked him, choosing not to answer his question.

Once in dry clothes, he kept a blanket wrapped around him. Sangyeon and New refused to let him cook until they were convinced he was warm enough again. He happily joined Juyeon sitting by the flames and warming up, occasionally playing into to teasing Kevin about ruining the meat.

Later on, after they had picked who was cleaning up after everyone, Qiang had deemed himself warm enough to help them out. "The older members won, you should be relaxing or playing games," Q said but Qiang only hushed him, handing him another dish. "It went by quicker. This is supposed to be a sort of vacation."

"You should sleep in here by the fireplace, Qi," Younghoon called out but Qiang only shook his head. "Nah, I'll sleep where I'm supposed to. Besides, we're all sharing two matts in there. I'm sure it'll be warm enough." Younghoon shrugged, getting comfy and closing his eyes. "I don't want to hear any complaining tomorrow."

Qiang chuckled and shut the lights off as he walked outside. He was right; with all of them in there and sleeping so close together, he was warm all night.

It probably helped that Kevin and Sunwoo were curled up on either side of him all night. Though the snoring in his ears made him want to smother the two.

They all lasted to the morning.

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