Chapter 16

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Tyler's pov

Am here at this party but some how I also want to be home sleeping.
But I also have the urge to stay. Ever since I saw Dian here I feel I have to stay. I saw her with Clyde and I don't trust that guy one little bit. He is some messed up guy.
I see him with Dian from across the room and I want to go over there right now and tell him to stay away from her. But I also don't want to cause a scene.
He hands her a cup, she looks at it with suspicion but takes it anyway. I didn't think Dian is one to drink. Not in a bad way but she doesn't look like one who does.
Clyde is talking to her and he's so close to her. I don't even know why am feeling this pinch of jealousy when I see him close to her.
She takes the rest of her drink and they walk to the dance flow. I see him lift his filthy hands and place them on her waist.
I can't see this anymore.

"Am going to get another drink"I
I tell the guys before I walk away. But they seem so interested in Jayden's story about his new friend who happens to be Dian, Rapunzel long hair. That's what he is calling her.
Jayden is naturally talkative, big mouth always has something to say. But it's worse when he even takes just a sip of beer.
Up to now I don't know how this idiot is my best friend.

I actually don't go for a drink, I decide to go out for some fresh air.
I think I stand outside for a couple of minutes until the mosquitoes get to me and I get back inside.

As am going inside I hear some guy mention Dian's name. I know him because I've seen him many times with Clyde.

"I can't wait for Clyde to finally get that Dian girl. At first he wanted to play with her, like for a month or so to win a bet. But they were talking with Joel and they cancelled the bet. Him and Joel are doing something else to her upstairs."

What do they mean cancelled bet. And do what to her upstairs.
I immediately grab this guy.

"What the hell are you talking about. What are they going to do to Dian"

"I don't know. They just said they will take her upstairs after drugging her soda. "

This can't be happening. I push this guy out of my way and immediately enter inside.
I look at where I left them and they are no where to be seen.
I walk around the whole room but nothing.

"Tyler what's wrong. What are you looking for"
Jayden comes asking me.

"Have you seen her"

"Seen who?"

"Dian, that bustard has taken her"

"Who has taken her. First chill man. What's going on"

I look at the stairs and I quickly go to them. Pushing everyone out of my way.
At this point am taking three steps at a time.
I can hear Jayden behind me.
I open the first room I see and it's empty.

I then hear it. That bustard Clyde's voice. It's the last room.
It rush to the door.
The moment I open the door I see him on top of Dian holding her hands.

"You son of a bitch"
It's the first thing I say before I push him off the bed.

I look over at Dian and her clothes have been torn and she has passed out.
I quickly cover her with a bedsheet and my eyes land on Clyde.

My fist automatically meets his jaw.
"What the hell is wrong with you."
I don't know how many times I hit his face but I want to keep going.

"Tyler stop, you're going to kill him"
I hear Jayden.
"If you don't stop now both of you will be in trouble"

I feel other hands pull me off of him. It's Zack.
"He's right Tyler, calm down. He's not worth it"

I stop. I look at his face and am sure I broke his nose. And I wish I broke more of his face.

I turn around and I see a guy with a camera in the corner of the room.
And it all adds up. This guy was going to film it all. He was going to record Clyde take advantage of Dian.
The guys notice am going for him but they stop me.
"How do you be so sick in the head to do something like this. What did she ever do to you asshole"

"Am sorry man, I was asked to hold the camera that's all"

"Sorry won't fix anything. Just imagine it was your sister. Don't tell me anything else. You'll tell your shit to the police."

I look back at Dian and I see her shivering. I go to her and carry off the bed into my arms. Her face is bruised. Like she was hit.

"You take care of Dian, we shall handle these two" Zack says.

I go downstairs, walking past everyone.

"Tyler, wait. Hold on. Is she dead?" I hear Samantha's irritating voice.

"Am not in the mood for your shit now Samantha."

When I reach the door I can see the police coming. People begin to rush out of the house.

I place Dian gently at the back of my car. I rush to the other side and drive off.
I keep looking at the back to see if she's alright. I hope she's okay.
I can't take her to my house. Everyone is there and I don't want to answer many questions right now. So instead I stop at her house. I first unlock the door. Thankfully there was a key under the flower vase.
I go get her out of my car take her to her room.
Am not even sure about what am supposed to do.
I hope Clyde didn't do anything worse to her. That sick bustard.

What should I do?

I see her phone at side of her pocket. I pull it out and decide to call her Claire. Is it Claire or Clara. All I know she's the one person I've seen her with alot of times.

"Hello is this Claire?"

"No it's Clara."

"Okay, Clara can you come to Dian's place right now"

"What happened,is she okay"

"She needs you, please hurry. I don't know what to do."

"Am on my way"

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