Chapter 5

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Tyler's pov

Am now in my bedroom planning to go to Jayden's house.

"Tiffany, Chelsey are you guys in here"

I hear someone say from outside my room, but it sounds like a girls voice.
And who's Chelsey. Must be our new neighbors. Mom said she wanted to call them over for lunch. God I hate visitors.

She continues telling them something about lunch being ready. So I also get up and dress to go to Jayden's.

After some time mom comes to my room telling that it's time for lunch.

"Mom, I promised Jayden I'd go to his place around this time, he's probably waiting for me."

"You'll go see Jayden after having lunch with our visitors"

She leaves my room and I follow shortly after.

And then that's when I see her, that girl from the store. The one who hit me. And she's the same girl from the window yesterday too.
I realize am standing in the middle of the room so I go sit down.
And turns out the only empty sit is the one next to her.
She really looks nervous. Or maybe because she recognizes me. Of course she should.

We begin to eat and I notice her skipping the mashed potatoes.
I wonder why. Like who doesn't love mashed potatoes, it's just heavenly goodness in them.

"Could you pass me the bowl of potatoes" I ask the girl who's name I don't know yet.

"Where were you leaving before coming here Dian?" Tiffany asks

Hmm, so her name is Dian. Unique name if I must say.

"We moved here from Arizona"

"Wow, that's nice. Which school are you going to while here"mom asks her.

"I'll be starting at Westview high school tomorrow. I think that's the name of the school"
She says unsure about the school's name.

I can't believe she's going to my school too. Am sure mom is going to say stuff about me showing her around.

"Tyler goes to the same school
Am sure he wouldn't mind showing you around. Do you mind Tyler?" mom asks.

I knew it, she had to say it.

"Yes I mind"

I reply so slowly that no one can hear me.
But unfortunately Dian girl hears me.
And she looks hurt by that.


"No problem mom"

I also find out that Dian lost her mom, and that's really sad.
When Tiffany asked her about it, it's like she didn't expect the question because she almost dropped her fork.
But she answered calmly, even when Tiffany made a joke about her mom being in heaven and being a star.
She just laughed about it.
The lunch continues with different conversations. Mom telling her about how am the captain of the school basketball team.

When we are done, Tiffany and her new friend, who I think is Chelsey run upstairs to play.
Am almost going out of the door when mom asks me to help Dian clear the table. And with that am sure am not going anywhere.
Actually am not even hurt. I lied about visiting Jayden. I just didn't want the lunch.
We clear the table. I notice that Dian has really long brown hair. It's naturally curled too. She beautiful hazel eyes. You can see them from a mile away.
Wait! Why am I checking her out. This is so stupid.

I go to the sitting room since I have nothing better to do.
I hear her offer to help with the dishes but mom doesn't allow her. She tells her to go outside and get some fresh air if she likes.

Dian goes to the backyard and begin to walk around.
It's like she gets a call from someone. Because I hear her laugh at everything the person tells her.
She has a nice laugh too.
The person must be funny.

What am I doing? Am I becoming a stalker now.
I get out my phone and go through my texts. I see I've received one from  Samantha. Samantha is this hot girl at school. She's popular am popular. So people just think that we should obviously be together. But I on the other hand am not into relationships I don't date. The whole idea of commitment doesn't work for me.
But I also can't deny that I haven't slept with very many girls at my school. Yes I agree am a player.
But even if I was settle down one day with a girl I like or love. It wouldn't be with someone like Samantha. She's not bad or anything but I want it to be with someone special someone who understands me. She'll be there for me even at my worst. And that isn't Samantha, she's a selfish person and she only cares about her looks. I think she's those living Barbie dolls they talk about. Makeup, plastic, I think you get my point.

I check the text from her.

Samantha : Hey sweetie, mind coming over tonight. No is home and am scared.

Haaa that's funny, am really not in the mood of a Samantha right now. And mostly not in the mood of getting laid tonight too.

Me : Sorry, can't come over am grounded.

Samantha : Whyy can't you just get out of the house. You can't tell me you fear your parents.

Me : See you tomorrow.

And with that I put my phone down.

I hear my phone vibrate again.
And it's Samantha calling me.
I look around and it's my mom still in the kitchen so I go to the backyard.

"What do you want Samantha, I've just told you am grounded I can't leave."

" But am scared"

" I don't care, my dog is also sick I'll see you tomorrow bye"

" A dog? since when did you have a ..."

I just hung up. Even her voice is irritating me right now
How did even having a sick dog come to my head.
I put my phone in my pocket. When I look at the other part of the backyard I see Dian looking at me.
Am sure she heard everything.
How did I forget she was out here.
She pretends to be pressing on her phone when I catch her looking at me.

I decide to walk over to her.

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