Chapter 9

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Tyler's pov

After the art lesson, Dian left immediately. I wanted to stop her but I couldn't.  Now am sure she thinks I was ignoring her during the lesson. I didn't do any of it on purpose. I just couldn't let her look at me. At how badly I looked.

But why do I even care about what I did to her during the lesson. She's some new girl at school who also happens to be my new neighbor.
She looked shy the first time I saw her but after I questioned her about why she was listening to my call the last time, she didn't look shy.

I don't care what she thinks, I don't owe her an explanation, she's nothing to me. She doesn't need to know anything about my personal life.

To everyone one, I may look like your average High School kid. Am popular every girl would literally fall to my feet and lick them. I mean am hot and there is no doubt about that.
But there is  something that keeps eating me up.
Because of it, am even afraid of sleeping. Yes am 18 years old and I fear sleeping because I get night mares.
Not just any scary dreams. It's one constant dream. It repeats it's self over and over again. Nothing changes in it. Nothing at all.

It's always starts when a young me, probably 9 years is sleeping. I hear noises down so I get out of bed to check. I find my man being strangled by a man. He gets a gun and shoots her through the head.
When he gets up, he looks behind and sees me at the stair case.

"Am sorry son, but Mummy was bad so she died"

"You killed Mummy, dad. "

He looks back at my mom's body and looks at the gun in his hands.
He lifts it and shoots himself in the head too.

And that's where I wake up Everytime.

Yes my mom and dad died in front of me. I was nine years old and so it all. I saw my dad kill my mom and kill himself too.

I know you must be wondering, what about the people I live with. These people are my  adoptive parents. And I've been with them since that fateful day.  And I love them. They may not be my real parents but I love them. They cared for me as if I was their real child. And they still do.
I was taken to therapy for some time but I hated it. So I acted like as if I was okay. But the dreams are still there.

I've never told anyone about this, not even Jayden even though he's my best friend.
I don't want pity from anyone.

Now I have to deal with my face. I got into a fight after lunch because some guy couldn't keep his mouth shut about the recent game we lost.
I know we lost and I am not being a sole loser but it was really getting irritating. And one thing led to another and he got himself a punch across his big stupid face.

Now I have a black eye. But you should see him, it's like he got run over a truck.

If Dian had seen my face, am sure she would have laughed. Like how does bad boy Tyler get hit in the face.
Why do I even mind about what she thinks or not.


"Skip practice? Why would you want to skip practice man. You know couch will be angry. We lost the last game and he wasn't happy."

Jayden argues.
After skipping my last lesson and now I want to skip practice too I come to the locker room asking Jayden to cover for me. But it clearly looks like he won't.

" And look at your face, why did you even hit the guy. You would have just let him say all he wanted. It wasn't worth it."

"Am sorry okay, I didn't mean too. I was stressed and he kept talking nonsense."

"Stressed about what. Stressed about our game on Friday or stressed about how your getting into that new girl's pants. I've heard guys say she's hot."

"That girl is not even anywhere near my problems. And besides she's not my type."

"And since when do you have a type.
So every girl here at school you have slept with is your type and the new girl isn't?"

"Yes, she isn't my type. And she even looks like a virgin. And we both know I don't do with virgins. Playing them is harsh. And am not at that level of harsh."

"Michaels Hensley get your asses out of the locker room and go for practice." Couch shouts.

"And what happened to your face Hensley?
You know what I don't want to know"

And with that he walks out.

"You heard what couch said. Let's go for practice"

I change into my uniform and go out.
I came to with the plan of skipping practice but here I am getting ready to sweat and throw balls.

After practice, I go to the locker room and freshen up.
Am almost going when Clyde, another guy I hate comes to tell me that couch wants me.

He's done telling me but I can still see him standing there looking at me.

"Can I help you with anything else, Clyde"

"Nope, just still looking at your face. I should find that guy who organized it for me and give him a handshake.
Because he really gave you a makeover."

"When you're done talking shit, you can just tell me."

"Ooh, now you let your mouth do the talking when you are with me. Not your fists."

"I don't have time for you Clyde"

I close my locker, get my bag and walk out.

"Or is it that new girl that you're trying to change for, get her, use her and then leave her there"

"Look Clyde, you're not any better than me. You may even be worse. So just leave me alone. I have better things to do. You're only good at getting benched at every game."

The moment I finish that sentence, I get a punch to my face. I don't hesitate, I punch him and I think I break his nose. Because it's now bleeding.

"Hensley and Clyde to my office right now" Couch shouts.

What's with me and fights today.

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