Chapter 1

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" Dian it's almost time to go" my dad calls from down stairs.
Yes it's almost time to go and leave all this behind. Start a new life in a new place.
I have been staring at the ceiling above my bed for the past couple of minutes and how I wish I could pack it too with my other belongings.
Am looking at the stars my mom and I painted when I was little. I was afraid of the dark so we painted stars on the ceiling. She convinced me that they would twinkle during at night so keeping the lights on at night was not necessary anymore.

And I believed her, from that night I had never kept my lights on. I always imagined the stars twinkling above me and that would calm me.
But now, it's like am in total darkness even when it's shining brightly outside.
It is because my light left me, my mom left me. She was my light but she went away to a far better place. Am not angry with her though, am just sad that I won't see her again.

"Dian let's go Dad is already in the car", my little sister Chelsey comes rushing in.
I quickly stand up from my bed. I don't even realize I was crying till I see her whip a tear off my cheek.
" Don't worry Dian, mom is watching over us from up there. She promised to always look out for us before she left." Chelsey says.

I am the one supposed to be strong and brave but seems she has already taken up that part.
I give her a hug before getting my last bag from the floor.

" Come on let's go" I say
I look back one last time before closing the door behind me and heading down stairs.
I close the door and see my dad in the car already. I give him an assuring smile and enter the car too.
The truck with all our stuff leaves immediately and my too starts the car.
I take one last look at the house I once called home through the window.
I see mom's small garden where she planted her flowers. She loved flowers but I didn't.
Something about their scent always irritated me but that didn't stop me from helping her out with the garden work.
So long as I was with mom and she was happy, I was happy too.

Am leaving all of this behind, my school my friends. I didn't have alot of friends here. I had one actually my best friend,Linda.
And am going to miss that idiot. She was fun, loud and she loved to do all things a normal teenager would do.
Partying, going to the mall. But I on the other hand, I don't like partying I don't like shopping.
I am me, simple Dian Logan.

I get out my earphones and plug them into my phone and place them in my ears.
I go to my playlist and hit the shuffle button.
Chelsey is playing with her iPad so she won't disturb me.
It's going to be a long drive to California so I might as well get myself comfortable.
I said it, California. We are not moving all the way to a different state because of mom.
No, it's also because of dad's job.
He got a transfer and he had to move to California for it.
He deals in real estate staff he's a manager.Something like that.

We have been driving for almost three  hours and Chelsey is already hungry.
We stop at a gas station. You can see the welcome to California sign from here.
Dad gives me money to buy some snacks at the store.
I don't eat when am traveling, especially in cars. I get kind of car sick and it's not a nice feeling.
So I usually stick to gum and water.
Am done getting what we need and am heading to the register when I hit someone with my cart. I don't know where they came from because I didn't see anyone Infront of me.

" Am so sorry, I didn't see you I promise" I rush to the guy I just hit. I really hope I didn't break his foot.
" Excuse me are you fine, am sorry" I ask again.

The guy turns behind, he looks really angry. He's really tall with long dark hair. He also has a nice body, anyone can tell her works out alot with such arms.
What? what am I even saying, I just knocked this guy whom I don't know and am here thinking about his muscles.

" Hello, I said it's fine" the guy says and I snap out of my thoughts.

" Oh, okay thanks. I better get going, am sorry again" I say and walk away.

I get to the counter pay for my stuff and go back to the car.

" What took you so long Dian", Dad asks.

" I hit some guy with my cart so I had to apologize and also the line at the register was a bit long".

He nods and starts the engine of the car.
I look out the window and see the guy I knocked pointing towards the direction of our car with two other guys with him.
He tells them something and one of the guy's looks down at his foot.
Did I really hurt him. But he said he was fine. Maybe he wasn't sure until he got out with his friends.
I quickly close the window and sit back.

" Welcome to California" Chelsey reads the huge sign on the other side of the road.
She seems excited about coming to California and that makes me smile.
If she's happy am happy too. She's my little sister and I love to see her smile.
Even if the smile is incomplete with her missing teeth.

I get out my phone again and listen to my music as I sip on my water.
I place my head on the window.
We have one more hour to go .
I close my eyes and this time I look for some sleep.

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