Chapter 14

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Finally, it is Friday. Week one at Westview down.
I can't wait to sleep through out the weekend. I was looking forward to spending it with dad but he had to fly somewhere else again. He came back Wednesday morning after we had spent the night at Tyler's. But he told me today morning he had to go back again.
I felt bad but I know I can't stop him. And now it's only him providing for both of us. And I can tell he's working so hard.

Am at my car when I hear someone calling my name.

"Dian, wait up"

I look behind me and it's Clyde.

"Yes, hey Clyde. Wats up"

"Don't forget about the party I told you about. It's tonight."

Party? What party.
Oh, the one he told me about on Tuesday.
I really don't feel like going out. And more especially at a party.

"Am sorry, Clyde. I can't make it."

"How come, please come. It's going to be awesome."

"Sorry, my dad isn't home and I can't leave my sister home alone. And I also hate parties. They are just not my thing"

"I really wanted you to come. But it's fine I get it."

"Thanks for understanding"

"Okay, have a nice weekend"

He then walks back to his friends.

I see Tyler. He walks past Clyde and they glare at themselves.
What was that about.
They stop and talk for a bit. I see Tyler's fists folded hard. It's like Clyde is saying stuff he doesn't want to hear.

Some other guy, I think he's Jayden. He tells Tyler something and they walk away.

I realize I've been staring. I just enter my car and go home.

I really miss Linda. I think I should give her a call.

When I get home. The first thing I think about is getting out of these clothes to more comfortable ones.
I get some shorts and a shirt and change into those.
Chelsey is at Tiffany's. She told me Tiffany had a sleepover with her other friends and she was also invited.

Am now laying on my bed comfortably ready to call Linda. Am sure she's free at this time. Or she might be getting ready for a party or something.

I call her but she isn't picking up. And we haven't been texting alot lately.

I get message from an unknown number. And it's the same number tht texted me last time but I forgot to reply.

Unknown number: Hey Dian
Unknown number: Hey again.

Me: Hey, who may this be

Unknown number: Oh, it's Clyde.

Me: how did you get my number

Clyde : I have my sources.

Me: You mean the stalking kind

Clyde: am not stalking. I just happened to get your number.


Clyde: And am hurt your not coming to my party. But maybe next time.

Me: Yeah, am sorry too. But I am going to be busy.

But Chelsey is at Tiffany's and home doing nothing. Why can't I just step out of my comfort zone and attend a party. This is my last year of highschool.
But am also lazy. Today was relaxing day. Maybe next time. And besides, I have just spent a week here. How will I look attending parties already yet am new. I'll just go next time.

Clyde : See you later, gotta prepare for the party. Bye

Me: bye, enjoy.

Now what to do. I scroll through IG.
I decide to catch up with my notes. Clara lent me her notes so that I could copy some from her. I look for my playlist and press shuffle.

It's 6:30pm by the time am done copying my notes. And am really hungry but I don't feel like cooking. Thank God Chelsey is at the neighbor's, I don't have to worry about someone else's stomach too.
But am really worried about mine, I can even hear it make those noises. I go downstairs and Dad had left some money in case we want to order takeaways. I decide on getting a pizza. But eating alone is something I don't do. How do you sit there and hear yourself chew.
I remember someone talking about today's party and that it was starting at 7pm.

But why don't I just go for it. What is the worst thing that could happen.
I run up stairs to get ready. I open my closet and look at the clothes I have. I don't want to do alot. I decide on a pair of jeans, ripped a  little at the knees and a matching crop top hoodie. It's chilly outside and I don't want to carry a sweater around. I get out my Vans and am done.
I first inform Angela that am going for a party Incase she needs me am not home. She tells me it's okay and the girls are okay.
I get to my car and text Clyde for his address. He sends it to me and I put it in the GPS.

It's like a 20 minute drive to Clyde's home from mine.
I see alot of cars in a particular driveway and am sure that's his house. I get where to park.
He said to call him when I reach.

Clyde's pov
Am at the party and I am stressed. One because some fools won't quit touching stuff they aren't supposed to play with and two because Dian isn't coming for the damn party. She was the reason I had the party. Because I need to get close to her and this was step one. Yes, I need to get close to her. It's part of the plan. It's technically a bet. The first Wednesday Dian was here, there was a party. And some guys were talking. Joel, a friend of mine said she doesn't look like one to get easily and I objected. So I got a month to make her fall in love with me and dump her after that.
Not that she's ugly and that's why we made a game out of her. Dian is actually hot, but a bet is a bet. And I never lose.

It's 30 minutes into the party and I get a text from Dian saying she's coming. And that there is God's work. I send her my address and tell her to call me when she arrives.

"Hey Joel, the game is on. This is day one. 29 days to go for me to prove to you that any girl can fall for me. And I never lose at anything."

"You never know man. But anyway let's see what you have"

I then feel my phone vibrate, and it's Dian.

"Wish me luck boys"

I answer the call. I go to get her.

I spot her easily. She's standing near her car. Anyone can easily spot that long brown hair from anywhere. I quickly walk to her.
She smiles when she sees me walking to her.

"Hey Dian," I say and give her a kiss on the cheek.
Step by step Clyde, you gat this.
I say to myself.
I see her cheeks turn red, she's blushing.

"Come on, let's get inside and have some fun."

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