Chapter 2

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I woke up with a slight headache today morning. Maybe it's because of the long drive yesterday.
We arrived here at around six in the evening and we were all too tired to even lift a box. So we all just climbed into our beds and left everything for today morning.
Dad is downstairs instructing the men on where to put this and that.
I have all my boxes and bags in my room already and am trying to organize my room too.

This house is quite nice if I may say. It's even a little bigger than our last house truly.
It has four rooms upstairs and big sitting room and kitchen downstairs.
My room has its own bathroom too and that's amazing.
Chelsey's room is similar to mine but the paint on the walls is different.
My walls are painted a light purple and hers, some bright pink.
She fell in love with her room immediately.
Is that what they call love at first sight.

I fold the last pair of my black jeans and put them away in the closet.
I look around satisfied with my work.
My room looks done. But the ceiling is empty no stars. Dad asked if I wanted to get the ceiling painted again. He said that he could get someone to paint the same stars I had in my old room. I told him I'd think about it.
You maybe wondering why I didn't say yes immediately, it's because am trying to move on. Am not trying to forget mom but I also have to learn to let some things go. I'll always still have mom in my heart, even the stars she painted. Maybe I just to let go of some things to finally get healed.

I walk over at the small shelf with my favorite books. The shelf is under my window which faces the backyard of our neighbors house.
I have After all the series, pride and prejudice, the fault in our stars. And I've read all these books at least more than four times.
It's like reliving the same story over and over again. And to me that's nice.
I know what is going to happen on the next page. That makes me feel nice, like I can tell the future or something.
But it's just because I've re-read the book.

I pull out fairy tale by Danielle Steel and open the first page.
I hear people laughing from outside my window and move closer to check.
I see a little girl, with beautiful long dark hair.
She looks to be age mates with Chelsey. I think Chelsey has found herself a new friend.
It's like she's running from someone.
I see a guy with a water gun spraying water at her.

"Tyler please stop" she giggles.

" I told you not to pour me water" the Tyler guy says.

Why does that voice sound familiar. It's like I've heard it somewhere.

I then see him, it's the same guy from the store yesterday, the one who I hit.
Oh no, the store guy is my neighbor, this can't be very good.
What if he sees me again and he asks me why I hit him. But then he said it was okay. But he was also pointing at our yesterday while looking at his foot and telling his friends something.

"Dian Dad says to dress up we are going out for lunch there is no food in the house", Chelsey rushes into my room.

"Okay I'll be down in a minute"

She closes the leaves and closes the door.

I turn back to see the guy if it's really him and I find him looking at me.
It's like he's not even blinking.
I quickly try to close the curtains but they won't close.
I pull on them really hard but nothing.
I look back at the backyard and he has some kind of smirk on his face.
This is so embarrassing.
I pull the curtains again and finally they close.
My heart is bitting so fast, it's like I've seen a ghost.
I take one big breath.
I hear my dad call again.
I quickly get a light hoodie and my converse shoes and put them on.
I don't change out of the leggings I had on. They seem okay.
I get my phone and go out of the room.

Chelsey insists on eating at Starbucks so that's where we go.
I get fries and a hamburger and a milkshake, Chelsey asks for Mac and cheese, of course, Dad gets the same as me.

"Girls, you're starting school on Monday" Dad says.

"Really, I can't wait to make new friends. How's my school? Is it big? do they have nice teachers?" Chelsey asks with a huge smile on her face.
Dad answers all her questions. I can tell she's excited.

" Your school is fine too Dian, but if you don't like it I can always take you to another one" Dad interrupts my thoughts.

" No, it's not necessary am sure I'll manage, it's jxt senior year and am done. Am sure I'll be okay"

" Okay, if you say so"

And with that everyone goes back to eating.

On our way home, we stop by the grocery store and get stuff we need at home.
When we are done, we go home.
I help dad put away everything where it's supposed to be.
After that he goes to his office, he says he has work to do before Monday.
I check on Chelsey and I find her already asleep.
I go to my room too, I have a shower change into my comfiest PJ's and enter bed.

I check my phone for new messages, I hadn't checked on it the whole day.
I find some from Linda.
I reply to them. I check my IG too.
Just to like other people's posts.
I rarely post on my Instagram.

Tomorrow is Sunday, then Monday.
Oh boy, Monday new school new people.

I place my phone on the table beside me and close my eyes.
I should get some sleep.

I just have a feeling I have a long day ahead tomorrow.

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