16| Conquering The Flame

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No one said much on the journey back to town but they didn't have to. The plan was made simple and hammered into Cloud for the duration of the last week in the bunker.

He'll be invited to attend an event known as the Olympia and his only objective whilst there is to stay under the radar. He had heard from Hunter that those who won would be invited to attend South Silver Oak Academy which is clearly the last thing any of his guardians want him to do.

During their hiding period the topic was brought up frequently, seemingly the main focus on everyone's mind but any discussion about what the Olympia actually is was kept short and brief. When asked, Helel explained it as being an arena where the students of South Silver Oak Academy battle it out for the enjoyment of millions to watch.

Cloud doesn't fully understand it, especially the why, but then his confusion brought on by his ignorance isn't exactly a new feeling when it comes to everything surrounding this particular situation.

Another topic that kept being thrown around was the word Initials. At first he assumed it was in reference to a name or several names, but in context it didn't always make sense.

He doesn't clearly remember when but eventually he figured out that the Initials were a group of people. People like him. Beings with the extraordinary ability to control one of the five elements; Fire, Water, Nature, Air and Metal.

However, Cloud has spent weeks mulling over the idea, concluding that even if he is one of them, an Initial, those people are not his people.

After all this time, how could they be?

"Home sweet home." Jonathan grumbles, pulling the keys out of the ignition, the headlights showing the destruction of their home behind the glass doors and windows.

"Looks like someone had fun pillaging." Helel remarks snarkily, remaining still in his seat with his tattooed arms crossed.

"Yeah well, they better not have touched my stuff!" Cloud grunts with his seatbelt already unbuckled, climbing out of the car and slamming the door shut in a flash before jogging up to the house.

He finds the front door left ajar, the inside of their home smelling damp like the woods outside, having been left this way for who knows how long.

"Cloud, let us check...oh why do I bother?"

Helel reassures Mrs. Jefferson that Cloud will be fine before stepping out of the vehicle himself, stretching his legs after being cooped up like a farmyard animal for hours, before calmly following after the boy.

Meanwhile, Cloud sprints up the stairs to his room in the dark, ignoring the kicked over furniture and the shattered picture frames left discarded on the ground, his heart sinking when he finds his bedroom door no longer on its hinges.

Helel finds Cloud collapsed on the floor, scratching at the edges of a seemingly random floorboard with his short nails, giving him the time to look around what is left of the room.

"You like music?" he asks, his eyes landing on an impressive collection of vinyl records after picking up an acoustic guitar that luckily survived the intrusion.

"That's a stupid question." Cloud retorts, panting whilst scrunching his face as he prises the floorboard up. "Who doesn't like music?"

"Deaf people."

Cloud reaches into the hole, shuffling through the items until he finds the one thing he is looking for. "You're so out of pocket for that."

Helel ignores his comment, strumming a few notes before leaning the instrument against the wall, giving Cloud time to place the floorboard back. "Now what was so important that you came rushing in here?"

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