"Our families have created an alliance. We don't form an alliance and not get anything out of it. So for it to work out, we must marry. you may not benefit from it other than having the honours to carry the Russo name". He stood so close to where I was sat. His eyes fell from my eyes to my cleavage then back up. "But I will gain power, a part of the Zanetti's power thanks to you. And bonus I get a pretty girl to play and touch whenever I want on the side" his eyes raked over my body once again.

Now i couldn't help it, my jaw clenched and i could almost feel like their was red smoke steaming from my ears.

"I will never let you touch me against my will. married or not."

"No one said anything about touching you against your will, I know girls like you, before you know it you'll be on your knees begging". He had suddenly gotten dangerously close, it felt inappropriate almost.

"I don't beg for nothing. Don't get too ahead of yourself, because who knows the wedding might not even take place" I spat back. My heart paced fast in my chest as an idea sprang to my head. Not a good idea that was.

"Why is that? You'll run away?" He raised an eyebrow in amusement.  "You looked like you'd be smarter than that Sofia. You know I'll find you the second you before you get to the nearest station" my name rolled of his tongue so easily, he made it sound insanely sensual. He chuckled to himself. My fists clenched tight.

Ignore the act Sofia, the man is just a pretty face, with an asshole personality.

"That's where your wrong. Do you know why?" I sent him a calm expression, my hand travelling under my thighs from where I sat.

"Amuse me" he answered cooly.

"Because I'll kill you before you can say those vows" I said, jumping up from where I was seated and pushing him down onto the opposite sofa. He lost his balance, not expecting my reaction. His body fell back on to the sofa, the knife I had strapped to my thigh, was now held tight against his throat. The sharp blade skimmed the taut skin of his neck.

I watched as the smug look he held faltered immediately, anger evident in his eyes. My face was so close to his, I could see the small speckles of gold in his eyes which I hadn't noticed. My eyes drifted to the scar.

The Arrow. It resembled his nickname perfectly.

"You don't have it in you." he taunted, amusement on his face, as I held the knife tightly against his neck. One wrong move and I could damage his jugular vein and he would bleed to death in mere seconds.

I pressed the knife down, a small line, away from his vein. Immediately blood seeped out like a faucet down his neck. The collars of his shirt staining with his blood. My own fingers soaked in the deep red liquid.

I would be lying if I didn't regret what I did. Not only did his face look like he was about to kill me. But I knew my father would also kill me. I was seconds away from erupting a huge war.

Once he realised I had done it, suddenly my body was pushed back onto the sofa, my body stumbled back and fell down. The knife still tightly wrapped in my fist. I gasped as his hand wrapped around my neck, almost crushing my source of oxygen as he pushed me down onto the sofa.

My body froze as I heard a click.

He had a gun. He clicked again. The safety.

My chest heaved up and down as i looked down, a gun was dug right in between my breasts. His body was so close to mine, his coldness radiating onto me.

I ignored the unbearable feeling I felt brewing between my legs. A feeling i shouldn't be feeling right now, when my entire life was on the line.

The gun went off. The loud shrilling sound of the firearms ringed in my head. My entire body stilled. I closed my eyes, thinking he had shot me. I opened my eyes, staring at his deathly expression. The gold of his eyes was replaced with darkness.

It was a empty shot.

"You're playing with fire." He glowered above me, he moved the gun away from me. I felt something drop onto my chest. I looked down to see the blood from his neck drip onto me. I tried my best to shove him off, but he didn't budge in the slightest.

What he did next, had me in utter shock.

His hand unwrapped from my neck, dragging his finger down the crease of my breasts, wiping the drops of blood. He forced open my mouth and shoved his bloody finger in.

The metal taste of blood filled my mouth. I coughed out, pushing him away with my heels, he stood up, brushing down his suit.

"You sick bastard!" I coughed out, the taste of his blood lingering on my tongue.

"Don't think I will forget about this" his eyes narrowed at me. Just then the door flung open and I immediately moved away from him.

I watched as Sebastian stared between the two of us.

"What the fuck is going on" his eyes went from the gun in his hand and then to the bloody knife I forgot I was holding.

"Put the fucking gun down Russo and step away from my sister" Sebastian hissed as he walked over towards me. Lorenzo simply walked out as Sebastian yanked me away with a harsh grip.

I pulled away and stormed out the room. I came face to face with my mother as I tried to get to my room.

"Sofia! How was it?" she cheered. Once she noticed my face then the smeared blood on my chest and all over my brand new dress, her expression dropped immediately. "What happened?!"

"Nothing mama, I will be upstairs" I ignored whatever else she had to say and went straight up to my bedroom and making sure to lock it.

I looked at my reflection on the large mirror which stood by the door, my hair was a mess, strands of hair has fallen out of my bun. Red fingerprints bruised my neck and blood smeared over me.


Eek..and they finally meet

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