Chapter 40: Nights Like This

Start from the beginning

I push the meal not too far away and a little laugh escaped my mouth at how she could think I'm like this because of a sweater.

"No, it's not about the sweater." I reply which is the worse mistake I could ever make - well second worse mistake since leaving Carter in a trunk is my first worse mistake.

"If you need to talk I'm right here." She lays her palm on the top of mine and narrows her eyes at me. "Aubrey, plug your sister's ears."

Aubrey lets out a groan and rests her phone down beside her plate, plugging each index finger in Gabby's ear.

"It could be about school." She lists,"Maybe the bakery. Or about sex."

My eyes nearly bulge out of my sockets at mom's accusations and I accidentally spit out the bit of orange juice that I just sipped. "No, mom. It's definitely nothing of that sort."

"Oh, good" She says simply handing me a napkin, "Because your dad and I already gave you that conversation years ago." She says in relief, "Okay, Aubrey. You can unplug Gabby's ears."

Aubrey removes her fingers and Gabby picks up her empty plate, departing from her seat. "You know I heard what you guys said. You do this all the time when you don't want me to hear something I shouldn't."

We all glance at each other in guilt.

"And my ears are starting to hurt." She grumbles under her breath before going off into the direction of the kitchen.

After showering and performing all my hygiene things I got dressed in a pair of blue jeans, plaid blue shirt, sneakers and tossed my hair in a effortless ponytail. The last thing I wanted to do was wear a sweater now that mom was acting mom - ish . I also decided to take the bus instead to avoid riding with everyone. It would also give me more time to find Byron and explain everything to him since mom drives like a seventy nine year old.

I adjusted the strap of my bag onto my shoulder because it felt like it would fall off any minute. Entering the hallways of Lincoln Vale felt different, maybe it was because I had to face Byron. The same guy who kissed me forty eight hours ago.

My eyes lit up with excitement when I spotted Kelly at her locker. Or at least the back of her anyway. Hopefully she'd give me some great advice when I explained my situation to her. She most of the times knew all the right thing to say.

I dodged a few students to get past her, some elbowed me, but I shrugged it off. I fixed my glasses on my face when I arrived beside her.

"Hey, Kels!" I greeted cheerfully. I heard a few sniffs come from her locker. "Are you okay?" I asked, watching as she turned around slowly.

She looked like a mess. She wasn't wearing any makeup which wasn't like Kelly at all. Her nose was red and so we were eyes, puffy as well. Her hair was in an effortless ponytail like mine - something else that triggered she was off - and she was actually wearing a sweater. A dark brown sweater with black skinny jeans and brown boots.

"What happened to you?" I asked which sounded more awful than inside my head. That was an idiotic question to ask though. I knew what happened to her - it had just hit me - . The Vince and Aven incident of course.

"I can't believe you still have the nerve to talk to me after that stupid advice you gave me."

"Huh? What stupid advice?"

"You know, follow my heart and choose which one I think is the one."

"Those weren't my exact words."

"Right. Well thanks for ruining my life, Cerise." She sniffed.

How did I ruin her life? "I'm not the one who - it was your own fault for not talking to which ever guy you didn't feel the same way about." I defended

"Well guess what? I felt the same way about both and now I don't have any. I hope you're happy."

I watched as she slammed her locker door shut and began to walk. "Oh." She turned around. "And your wish came true. Serena and Carter broke up. Have fun trying to get with him. That jerk can break your heart a million and one times and you're still gonna be in love with him. "

And she left.


For some reason It pained me to write this chapter, there's a few more left before the ending. I'm hoping on having fifty chapters and considering a spin off.

Thanks for reading!

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