I smiled "Yeah, thanks mum" I breathed out "Listen, I gotta go but I just wanted to make sure you were ok"

"Well, I'm fine. Go rest" we said out final farewells before she hung up the phone. I slowly took the phone away from my ear, tapping my nails against the counter.

What just happened?

I go missing for three days just to find my mother isn't worried because my boss—that absolutely hates me—covered for me and said I was on a work trip?


I shook my head and replaced my look of shock with a smile.

"I need a shower" I huffed "Alena!" I sung out, hearing the patter of her claws against the tile come closer. She barked and jumped up my legs "Shower?" I smiled and scooped her into my arms "I think so"

After the shower, I found myself curled up in a blanket, Alena asleep on my lap as I relaxed in the living room. I was vaguely paying attention to whatever muggle movie was on the TV while thoughts scattered around in my mind, the biggest one being.

Did I still have my job?

He may have covered for me but I wasn't entirely sure if he wanted me to return. After spending three days with me alone, I couldn't imagine how sick of me he must be—especially after what happened between us.

I wondered if I should call up or what that sound too desperate?

I groaned and threw my head back into the lounge. Maybe I should just show up tomorrow and take the risk of him throwing me out.

Yeah, I'll do that.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Alena shot her head up and jumped off my lap, running to the door and Vigourously barking at whoever was knocking. I frowned and looked at the time.

6:30 pm.

Who would be knocking on my door at this time?

I stood from the couch, letting the blanket fall of my body and pool onto the cushion. I walked towards the door, seeing Alena still barking.

I gently pushed her away from the door with my foot and told her to quiet down. I twisted the door handle and immediately the door was forcibly pushed opened and in stormed.

Mr Malfoy and incredibly drunk.

Drunk at 6:30? Real classy.

"M-Mr Malfoy?" I stuttered as I stumbled back and watched him walk into my apartment before slumping on the lounge and wrapping himself in the blanket I just was.

I stood there shocked, my door still wide open and apparently so was my mouth.

"Close the door and you're mouth" he grumbled, his eyes softly closing. I did what he said and slowly shut my mouth, doing the same with the door as he laid silent.

Am I hallucinating? Maybe those three days did more damage then I thought.

I closed my eyes and pinched myself but as I opened my eyes, he was still there.

Alena sat next to me, sticking her tongue out and looking from the couch to me, probably as confused as I was.

I looked down at her and shrugged my shoulders.

I gulped and walked towards him "Are you ok?"

"Fine" he slurred.

"Do you need something to drink?" I asked.

"Another whisky would be great"

"I meant like—like a water or maybe a strawberry milk? Something to sober you up" I asked nervously, fiddling with the bottom of my short nightgown since I wasn't expecting guests.

"Why would I wanna sober up?" He sat up and cuddled a pillow to his chest.

"I don't know, maybe because you stumbled into my fucking apartment instead of yours? Which I doubt you even have one here anyway so what are you doing?" I snapped a bit harsher then intended.

He slowly blinked at me and then started to chuckle "I have never heard you swear. It looks so weird coming from your face and with your accent—which I didn't notice was so strong by the way"

"That's because I was born in France—can you please tell me what you're doing here?" I punched the bridge of my nose for a second and closed my eyes.

"I don't—" hiccup "I don't really know actually" he laughed "Your couch looked so soft last time I was here"


"You have invaded my mind for the past 6 hours like a god damn para-parasite and I don't know why. Ever since you locked us in that room—which was fucking stupid by the way" he noted "You're all I've been able to think about. Which is strange, right? I usually don't got for your type—no offence—really, you are so strange but you draw me in the most unlikely was possible. They way you dress is just so interesting to me like how do you go out like that? Anyways—"

"Mr Malfoy—"

"I-I tried fucking my way out of it—and trust me, that woman from the bar—she was real nice, had the best—"

"Mr Malfoy!" I shouted. Instantly he shut his mouth and looked down at me. I bit my lower lip for second "What the hell are you saying? Excuse me but I don't think I've ever been more confused in my life! You waltz in here in the middle of the night, drunk as a skunk—talking about how you cant stop think about me and now you're telling me about the woman you slept with?!"

"So, you do know what I'm saying" he smiled and sat back down on the couch. I nearly broke out in laughter, what type? I wasn't too sure "Are you gonna give me that whisky or?"

"No I'm not giving you another fucking whisky!"

"Damn ok" he furrowed his eyebrows and leant back. Alena barked and ran over to the couch, jumping up into his lap "O-Oh hey, Athena"

"Alena" I corrected.

"Whatever" he brushed off and started to pat down her back "Anyways, I've gotta do something about this because it's getting quite annoying"

"What do you want me to do about it?" I frowned and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Take your dress off"


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