04: burning

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. . .

I burnt the chicken.

Additionally, the doorbell rang, and Dave came from behind it with a visitor. Once they got in, they coughed and swatted the air around them, hoping to get rid of the suffocating smell. I remained in the kitchen, reddening in embarrassment as Dave stood there, examining the darkness the space has sunk in.

“What have you done?”

I flinched. I wanted to take in a breath, but if I did, I would surely choke. I covered my mouth and left the kitchen. Dave followed me after opening the window.

“I’m sorry,” I apologised first thing when I faced him outside. Talk about bad timings for calls. If only Kevin waited a little more before he pressed that button and called me for that long to explain things, but it was too late to wish.

He frowned, still unable to grasp an idea of what happened. Meanwhile, his company stood there awkwardly, awaiting an explanation.

“I tried to cook,” I explained, “but I… got busy on my phone and burnt the food.” There went my pride under the mat.

Dave’s calm demeanour transformed into annoyance. “Who said you needed to cook?”

Blame my attempt at being decent back to you. “I… I thought you’d like to find a warm meal when you come back home.” My fists curled and uncurled. “I also… wanted to express my gratitude for your cooperation.”

“Who is she?” the friend whispered to Dave, but I could hear it.

Dave looked between us back and forth in a word loss. “Umm, Kyle, this is—”

“Perrie.” I did the job for myself. “I’m sorry for the inconvenience.” I unconsciously chewed on the inside of my cheek.

Kyle cleared his throat. “Ehem, well, Perrie, I’m Kyle, Dave’s friend and workmate. Nice to meet you.” The guy offered me a smile and a handshake that I anxiously accepted.

“Nice to meet you.” I shot the guy an embarrassed smile. At that moment, I was sure I had enough embarrassment for years and years in my future. I had to leave the picture as soon as possible. “Well, you guys have your time together. I’ll clean my mess.” I looked again at my housemate and mumbled only for him to hear, “I’m sorry again, Dave.”

Dave shook his head and sighed, surrendering to reality. “No worries… as long as you’re not hurt.”

I nodded as my lips pressed in a tight line. I entered the kitchen and opened the window wider, allowing what little left of the smoke to leave. I could only hear mumbles from the living room, but I assumed Dave was already explaining to the guy how he ended up housemates with a loser like me. I bit my lip, squeezing my eyes shut while I gripped the skillet’s handle as if I was about to hit someone with it. God, how much I managed to embarrass myself barely twenty-four hours in?

After I had cleaned the mess, I planned to disappear into my room, having no plans to reveal myself to the guys again. That could’ve been a friendly introduction to Dave’s friend, but I ruined it with my stupidity. I embarrassed myself in front of two people. I could use a cup of green tea to calm down.

The two men approached the kitchen as I drowned the teabag in the cup. I focused on the discolouration of the liquid rather than hearing their chatter and getting myself over paranoid.

“Oh, hey, Perrie. Thought you were napping already because you didn’t join us,” Dave remarked, getting his friend a glass of water.

I had no idea I was supposed to join them. Regardless, I inhaled and offered my politest smile. “Do you guys want some tea?”

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