Start from the beginning

"Ugh, I always forget that South Carolina is so far away from Nashville.. Jon, do you happen to ever get homesick? Do you ever miss your hometown? Your childhood home? The road you grew up on? All the memories, any of that? Because one thing's for certain, I'm missin' it a little extra than I have in a long ass time," Ashland confessed, her right-hand fingers playing around with the left-hand of fingers.

"I totally understand what you're sayin'. I really and truly do. My hometown, childhood home, the way it would smell outside right before it would rain like crazy. Sounds weird, but you know what I'm talkin' 'bout. Moral of this conversation is, Ash, everything will be okay in the end. We're headed down to Carolina, go stay with your parents, and then ask 'em about buying the house from them. See, then we can have somewhat of a vacation house, or if you want to visit your parents, then we won't be damn near ten hours away. What do you think about that? Does any of that sound doable for and to you?" I questioned.

Ashland sniffled a bit and nodded, "Sorry, I've been getting so emotional the last little while, don't mind me. That sounds fine with me. What if they already sold it though?"

Then she started back crying again.. Oh no. I know that she's okay, or at least she says she is, but her crying over minor things is making me think the complete opposite. Maybe that's just my overthinking thoughts, I'm looking way too much into this situation.

"Uh, let's try not to think about the what ifs in this situation. We'll see what happens when we get down there. Let's just focus on gettin' there first. Anyway, we need to fill up on fuel, so do you need anything from the gas station while I'm inside?" I asked once more.

She shook her head for an answer, leaning her head on the glass of the window. If there were some way to make this situation better for her, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I'm praying and hoping she knows that.

So once my truck made a complete stop at the gas pump, I unlocked the doors and hopped out.

To be honest, I really wasn't looking for anything in particular, but then there was a coffee machine in there that caught my eye. Hell fucking yes! Caffeine is what I need. I've got to get through this long drive somehow.  No matter how long this takes, if my girl wants to go home, then home is where I'm taking her. Besides, it's been a while since either of us have seen or parents. They are so kind, and my family gets along with them, which is great.

I'm more close to Ashland's brother, Bryson. He's a cool dude, no lie. He's a bit younger than me and Ash, but hey, I'm used to being the oldest in a group. Haha, look, it's just the truth, nothing to be upset or anything like that.

I fixed me a medium sized cup of coffee, little sugar and some creamer. As for Ashland, even though she said she didn't want anything, I bought her a bottle of water. It's twenty-four ounces, so hopefully that'll last a little while. If not, there will more than likely be another convenience store we can stop at to get more drinks, and perhaps, maybe some food, too.

"Hi, sir! How was your shopping experience?" The kind cashier asked me.

"It was pretty alright, honestly. Just wanting to fast forward time so that I'm already at mine and my girlfriend's destination. Also, can I have some gasoline on pump number two? If it isn't an issue." After telling her a summary of my visit or whatever, I set the cup of coffee and water bottle on the counter.

"Not a problem at all, sir! How will you be paying on this lovely day, sir? Cash, credit, or debit?" She asked once again.

I told her that I was going to be paying with credit card, the total was present on the little screen, so after swiping my credit card and putting in the pin number, all the stuff including the fuel was paid for. In conclusion, that meant that it was time for me to head back to the truck to put our drinks away, and put gas into my truck. Sounds like a lot of work, but it really isn't.

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