Meet the Roommate

Start bij het begin

"Add some more pepper flakes!!" You yelled pretending to talk about the cooking. "Is he not the most beautiful man you've ever seen?" You whispered to her. "Uh...yeah. If you don't jump his bones right now, I'm going to!" "Shh!" You tried to quiet her down.

"Do you need help?" Jimin shouted from the living room. Anna giggled. "Yeah, I need your help getting my pants off." You slapped her arm. "Stop it. Behave." She stifled her laugh and rubbed her arm where she had been struck. "No, but you can come to the table, it's ready!" You yelled back at Jimin, and he promptly stood up, strolling into the kitchen. "I'm excited!" He grinned while looking at the stew.

You scooped out some and placed heavy portions in three bowls and set them at the table. Jimin clapped his little hands before grabbing some with chopsticks and dropping into his mouth. His lips made an 'o' as he was trying to blow out the hot air. "Aish, hot." He laughed to himself. You giggled at his actions. "Mmm! This is fantastic!" He beamed at you and then at Anna. You both started digging into your bowls after seeing if he approved first.

Anna stood up and walked to the cabinets and grabbed a bottle of wine. "Let's have a drink." Everyone agreed, that would help with the awkward tension. She grabbed 3 glasses and poured some into all the glasses. You took a big gulp as Anna began her interrogation. 

"So, Jimin, are you dating anyone?" He shook his head. "Nope." "How is that?" Anna asked a valid question. How was someone as gorgeous as him single. "I'm very busy." He said bluntly. "With what?" He gave you a glance before answering. "My job. I'm a singer and dancer." Anna choked on her pork belly strip. "Both?" He nodded. Anna shot you a surprised look when Jimin was digging for more of the stew.

"He has a stunning voice." You added in and squeezed his hand quickly before letting it go. He gave you a soft smile. "Well hell, sing us something." Anna blurted out. "No, Anna, he's eating, leave him alone." You defended him and he gave you an appreciative small smile. 

Jimin threw back the entire glass of wine and swallowed it. He sat back in his chair and rubbed his belly. "Girls, that was so delicious." You gave him a grin and Anna watched the both of you looking at each other.

"What's your intentions with my girl?" Anna asked abruptly. You shot her an angry look. "Anna, that's not necessary." Jimin busted out laughing and teetered in his chair. You thought he might fall out of it, but he caught himself. "Your girl?" Jimin asked Anna with a raised eyebrow. And your face turned eight shades of red. 

"That depends on her." He looked over at you and squeezed your thigh. You nervously drank the rest of your wine and shakily poured yourself a bit more before drinking that down too. Jimin giggled at your flustered reaction. 

"Where are you from Jimin?" Anna asked him, trying to get his attention back on track. "Busan." He said in a matter-of-a-fact way. "The hell are they growing in Busan to make you?" Anna blurted out and instantly got embarrassed at what she said. Jimin gave her a puzzled look. You realized he didn't catch what she meant.

"Why don't you show Jimin your room?" Anna suggested, but you immediately shot it down. "No, he doesn't need to see that." He looked over at you. "Actually, I'd like to." He gave a sincere smile. Anna rolled her eyes, standing up and walked to her own room, shutting the door. You watched her leave, pleading with your eyes. Now you were alone with Jimin.

You both stood up at the same time and he followed you through the hallway and into your room. He looked around at all the trinkets that lined your bookshelves. Giggled at the some of the cute, silly pictures you had hanging on your wall. 

"Is this your mom?" He asked pointing at a picture of the two of you. You nodded, blushing. It was an old photo, you looked so young and gross. "Cute." He said quietly. You begged to differ. But wasn't going to argue with the gorgeous man standing in your room.

"Okay, let's go watch some tv." You pointed out the door. "Okay," he agreed, and you walked over by your door. Jimin quickly shut your door and pushed you up against. "Just kidding." He laughed almost evilly. 

"But.." you tried to resist but he had crashed his warm, soft lips against yours. You instantly gave in and felt like liquid. You kissed him back hastily, he wrapped his arms around your waist. Jimin kissed across your jaw and down to your neck. You held in your moan, resisting the pure electricity that was coursing through your body.

"Did you text that guy back?" Jimin asked, breathing against your neck. You shook your head no. "Good." He smirked and began biting on your neck. Your whole body was covered with goosebumps at the sensation. "W-wait, Jimin.." you said out of breath. 

He pulled back and looked at you. "Yes?" He was smirking now, that seductive look was back. It made you want to give into whatever was happening but you decided not to. You were struggling to catch your breath. "Is this not why I'm here?" He asked, confused at this invitation. You shook your head.

"No?" You were the one confused now. Is that how it seemed? "I just want to get to know you better." You told him and he dropped his hands from your body. "Okay." He said quickly. You walked over to your bed and sat on it, patting the spot beside you. He flopped down beside you. Jimin kicked his boots off and sat Indian style looking at you.

"Tell me about your family. What's your favorite color? Do you have any pets? What are some of your favorite bands? Do you like art? What's your favorite beverage? Tell me everything you can." You were leaning towards him absentmindedly. You desperately wanted to know so much about him. Sure Jimin was gorgeous and sweet. But you wanted to know more. He was mostly a mystery other than the few things you did know about him. "Whoa that's a lot of questions." He chuckled at your eagerness. 

Nevermind (PJM 18+)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu