(5) Meeting a Stranger

Start from the beginning

"Oh no. No. No. No. Come back."

"No. No. No. No.... Oooo-kay." The royals say seeing their horse run off.

He doesn't come back. Anna grabs onto a branch of a leaning conifer, trying to pull herself to her feet, but the tree snaps upright and releases all its snow onto both her and her sister.



"Sorry." Anna apologizes.

(Time Skip)

The sisters struggle, out of breath, reaching the top of a hill.

"Snow, it had to be snow!" Anna complains as Y/n rolls her eyes. "You guys couldn't have had tr-tr-tropical magic that covered the f-f-fjords in white sand and warm-" Anna stops seeing the smoke rising up from a small building.


Anna grabs Y/n's arm as she starts tumbling down the hill, leaving their cloaks stuck on a bush. They land with a crash in an icy stream at the bottom of the hill.

"Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold..." Both of them mumble.

The royals waddle up to the small building, their dresses frozen stiff. Y/n chuckles at Anna struggling up the steps. Y/n shakes the snow off a sign and reads:

"'Wandering Oaken's Trading Post'"

Snow drops off a smaller sign and Anna reads it happily,

"Ooh! 'And Sauna!'"

Anna struggles to open the heavy door with Y/n's help. They barely manage to get through the small crack between the wall and the door due to the wind. The door closes, shoving the two girls into the shop drawing attention from the cashier to them. They look around looking for winter stuff but only seeing summer supplies.


The girls turn to see a bright-faced fellow sitting low behind the counter, fingers tapping tip to tip.

"Big summer blowout. Half off swimming suits, clogs, and a sun balm of my own invention. Yah?" The unnamed fellow, who they assume to be 'Oalen', says enthusiastically.

"Oh, great. For now, how about boots? Winter boots...and dresses?" Y/n asks taking the lead.

"That would be in our winter department." He informs them.

The "Winter Department" contains two outfits, a pick ax, a rope, and two lonely pairs of boots.

"Oh. Um, I was just wondering; has another young woman-" Anna starts.

"The Queen perhaps, I don't know, passed through here?" Y/n finishes for her.

They bring the clothes and boots to the counter.

"Only one crazy enough to be out in this storm is you two dears." He says with his normal happy self.

The front door suddenly blows open and in walks a mass of a man covered in ice.

"You and this fellow.... Yoo-hoo. Big summer blow out." 'Oaken' says, showing his 'sun balm of his own invention' Yaaaah?

The unnamed man walks right up to Anna. Anna wiggles in her spot feeling uncomfortable.



"Anna, behind you." Y/n whispers in her ear.

"Oh, right. Excuse me." Anna says moving out of his way and to her sister's side awkwardly.

The unnamed man grabs a bunch of carrots, tosses them on the counter, then moves through the place, gathering other supplies.

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