I entered, closing the door behind me. The sound of this made him open his eyes, his eyebrows going up once he saw me. I walked over and stood beside him, looking down at him. You could just tell by looking at him that he doesn't have much time left. 

He barely was able to say, "Black. What are you doing here?"

I pulled my gun out of my waistline, but didn't aim it. His eyes widened at this and I leaned down to be close to him. I whispered, "You are going to find someone for me, or I am going to kill your son."

"I can't even fucking move, how do you expect me to be able to find somebody?"

I shrugged, "Not really my problem. But you are going to before March 31st, or else both you and your son will be buried together."

I pulled out the piece of paper with the mans number on it. I don't want Alessandro knowing about this, because I don't trust him to actually tell me the answer if he finds it. But the don can be threatened, he is an old coward who I could have dead in seconds.

He spat, "Fine."

I smiled slightly and nodded my head once. The door behind me opened and a man who I had seen once or twice before walked in. I knew that he worked for the Diaz family, and nothing more. He glanced between the don and I and asked, "Is everything okay here?"

"Perfect," I replied.

I looked back at the don who was looking at me with a clenched jaw. I said in a calm voice, "Just to prove how serious I am about this."

His eyebrows lowered at my words and I pointed the gun at the man, shooting him in between his eyes. The don looked more scared than angry, which was exactly what I wanted. I put my gun back and exited the room, stepping over the dead body.

Alessandro was rushing up the stairs and asked in a concerned tone, "Did you hurt my dad?"

A smirk formed on my face. I licked my lips before saying, "Relax, nothing happened to your daddy. But if you ever touch my Hailey again, you both better fucking run, because I would tear every brick off of every building in this city to find you and kill you." 

I didn't give him time to respond before walking down the stairs and leaving their house. 


I stopped by to see Reid on my way to pick up Hailey. He said he found some of my old shit in the attic and put it in a box for me to pick up. I entered the house and saw him standing in the kitchen with the box on the counter. 

He smiled at me, "Aero! It's all in that box."

I walked closer to the box and looked inside, seeing some old clothes in there. I thanked him while picking it up and he asked me, "Can you, Hailey, and I have dinner together tomorrow?"

Hailey and I didn't have anything planned for tomorrow, and I know that she would love for Reid to have dinner with us. I nodded, "Sure."

His smile widened and he gave me a hug quickly before I walked back to my car. I put the box in the back seat and drove to her university. I waited for her at the door to the building, leaning against the wall with my arms crossed. 

There were only 15 days until the 31st, and I have no answers yet. I can't think of anybody who would be after her. The don should be able to figure out the identity of the man with the amount of people he has working for him. 

Once we're back from Philadelphia I'll go and get an update. A fucking weird feeling happens in my heart thinking about going there with Hailey. Its like....a warmth. Hailey makes my heart feel warm.

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