"Let me guess, you chose Minho?"

"Ahh, you know me so well." Changbin just snorted before he took a final bite of his breakfast as well. "I'm full as well... I have something planned for us to do, so accompany me to the stables." Hyunjin watched the three boys around him stand up almost scarily in sync, so he quickly followed their movements. He was going to push his chair under the table, but Chan stopped him.

"There's no need for that, lets go."

Hyunjin felt it was a bit rude to leave the whole table like a mess just because they had maids, but he figured that it was their job anyways. Would he clean up behind himself, there would be no need for them to work here.
He noticed Changbin was waiting for him at the end of the table, staring at him with a barely showing smile. Hyunjin quickly sped up his pace as the prince then turned around to walk towards the doors as well. The taller expected to walk behind the prince to show respect, but he was met with Changbin pausing his steps slightly so he could catch up to him.

"You can walk next to me, you know? You're not a guard or a servant, you're my respected guest. See yourself as equal to me." Changbin spoke, causing Hyunjin to nod.

"If you say so, prince Changbin."

"Changbin hyung will be fine, no need to address me this formally. Or I could call you prince Hyunjin too?"

"O-Oh, please no." Changbin then chuckled as they reached the massive wooden doors. Chan and Jisung passed them on either side, opening the doors for them as they walked through. Minho was waiting beside the door, bowing to the small group of four.

"You're dismissed for now." Changbin spoke, but Hyunjin just frowned. Minho had been waiting the entire time for them to come out, so he felt like it would've been a waste of time if he had been standing there for nothing.

"Could he join us? I mean— he kind of waited for no reason otherwise."


And so the group of four became five, Minho walking inbetween Chan and Jisung slightly behind the two boys who awkwardly walked ahead of them. They passed through the palace and entered the giant garden without saying a word before Hyunjin finally started talking.

"This garden is huge and so pretty, I could definitely get lost in here."

"Oh, for sure. I've gotten lost here so many times as a kid, it was really fun to play hide and seek here with the guards."

"What he means with that is that he'd hide and everyone was frantic because they couldn't find him." Jisung piped in from behind, snickering softly as he remembered the true chaos that bestowed upon the castle in those moments.

"Correction; it was fun to me." Changbin said as he extended his hand in front of Hyunjin to point them to their left.

"The stables are this way."

Their walk soon came to an end as the stables came into view, fear rising from within Hyunjin with every step he took towards them. He was silently cussing himself out for not telling anyone horses kind of terrified him... a lot. But how was he going to say no to an actual prince whom has chosen activities for them to do together?

There was just no way.

So, the five of them walked into the stables, horses in their own compartments to either side of them. Hyunjin sucked in a deep breath as he mustered up all his courage to walk inside. Maybe he could keep his distance from them.

"I wanted us to go horse riding outside the palace walls for a moment, if that's okay with you?"

'Oh now you're asking me if that's okay?! When we're already here?!'

"I have never sat on a horse before... I don't think I know how to ride one." He said softly, hoping it would mean that the activity would be cancelled and they could do anything else. Sadly, it didn't seem like Changbin was going to give up on his plans that easily.

"Then how about we ride on my horse together? It's not that difficult but I can imagine feeling uncomfortable riding it alone for the first time."

"I... I suppose so?"

Changbin walked over to a white horse which had a servant brushing it by its side. Upon taking notice of the prince and his accompanying guests, the servant bowed deeply.

"Thank you for taking care of Naia like always, Soonyoung. I'll be taking her out for the day, so could you prepare the saddle for me?"
"Of course, your majesty!" The boy bowed again before dashing away, probably on his way to fetch said saddle as Hyunjin watched his retreating back.

"Is now the right time to mention I'm scared of horses?" He said, turning back to face the prince whom was already gently brushing his hand over the nose of said creature. His head instantly snapped to turn and look at his new friend, surprise evident in his eyes.

"You're afraid of horses?"


"Hmm, what about them is scary? I think they're quite majestic looking."

"I don't think they look scary, it's just— I nearly got trampled by one as a kid and... they're just so big. I'm just scared of them, but they do look really cool."

"... If you don't want to get on Naia, we can do something else for today. Although riding a horse is the best feeling in the world to me, it'd be a shame if you didn't get to experience it." Changbin watched the younger in anticipation, waiting for a clear answer as Soonyoung came back in with a saddle.

"I'm willing to give it a try..." Hyunjin agreed reluctantly, glancing over at his three other friends as he eyed them for an opinion.

"Prince Changbin rides like no one else, I'm sure you'll be safe if you get on a horse with him." Chan spoke convincingly, earning nods from both Minho and Jisung.
"You'll be fine." Jisung said as he threw the taller a thumbs up.

"Okay. Jisung, please accompany us outside. We never know if we might run into trouble."

"Right away!" The boy smiled before walking off to find himself his horse. That left Chan and Minho, the latter of which seemed to sulk the second Jisung was called off as well.

"Do you like riding horses?" Hyunjin asked him, watching the boy look at him with confusion.

"Not necessarily, why do you ask?"

"Because you seem upset that you can't come along with us."

"Oh, that's not because he can't ride a horse..." Changbin said, chuckling as he watched a blush spread upon Minho's cheeks. Hyunjin stared at the two in confusion before his eyes met Chan's.

"Don't worry about it." He laughed softly, knowing Hyunjin would catch on sooner than later.

"Your horse has been prepared, your majesty."

"Alright, you have my thanks. Chan, please let the guards know to open the gate for us."

"Of course."

"Now, lets get on, shall we?"


If I see any of you make innuendos about changbin enjoying riding horses as something else i swear to god— i hope your pillow is warm on both sides and you step in water whilst you have socks on.

This is a WHOLESOME fic 😤😤😤

Not for you. | Changjinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن