Chapter 11 S4

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Kirishima: the gym's closing soon! Let's do a final check and one last run-through!

You were in gym gamma rehearsing for the festival tomorrow. You wanted to train but were forced to.

Mina: *clap* *clap* *clap* here we go! Tap, tap, two! Tap, tap, two! Tap, tap, two! Tap, tap, two! Up! The, aoyama, center. Midorya, run offstage.

You and the rest of team were just standing there. Doing an air version of your instrument. Momo was doing air keys while you, kaminari, and jiro did air guitars while bakugo stood there.

Aoyama/midorya: oui./roger!

Mina: midorya, your movements are still too half-hearted. Focus your attention on the moves!

Midorya: roger

Y/n: can I go train now?

Mina: no!

Momo: I'm getting nervous now.

Y/n: don't we'll do great!

Jiro: don't improvise weird stuf during the actual performance.

Bakugo grunted.

Jiro: it'll confuse some people.

Kaminari: those words hurt!

Y/n: it was to all of us you idiot!

Mina: and then midorya, go straight to the ceiling from the wings and set aoyama up, pulling him up with the rope. That's it looks good! (midorya pulled aoyama up.)

The door opened as hound dog screamed at all of you.

Hound dog: it's already! Nine o'clock! Students should only be here till nine!

Y/n: ok!

You ran to the door and flew outside and to your room to train.


You woke up earlier than usual to get pick up eri with your dad. You walked around checking the stalls for candied apples but you couldn't find any so you just bought food for the both of you.

Y/n: so did you have fun, eri?

Eri: yeah but when will your show happen?

Y/n: it's at 10 don't worry! Now let's see what mirio's class is doing!

You went to check out his class. They were doing a magic show. It was very fun, eri enjoyed it a lot. Aftet that you had to go get ready so you gave eri mirio.

Y/n: well gotta go! Be sure to cheer for me!

Mirio: we sure will!


Once you reached backstage you were questioned on where you were.

Y/n: I was just taking care of eri, we went to mirio's class but now he is babysitting her. Where is midorya?

Mina: we don't know! He was supposed to be back from buying some stuff. But put this on quick!

You were given an orange shirt with "A Band" written on it.

Y/n: weird, I can't sense midorya. Oh...

Mina: what do you mean oh-

You put two fingers on your forehead and teleported. You saw someone with grey hair and a pink aura around him. It looked like he was wrestling midorya.

Y/n: midorya! You're going to be late! This is no time for wrestling-where is your stuff?

???: oh you called for help, hero?

Y/n: oh, so you're a villain.

You kicked him in the face launching him into a tree.

??? 2: gentle!

Y/n: midorya go get the stuff quick! I'll handle this.

Midorya: but-

Y/n: midorya, I said go get your stuff! We need to make it there. Now, what are you doing here?

You saw ??? 2 tun away with a computer so, you went and grabbed gentle and flew after her, then grabbed the computer.

Y/n: you're not getting away either!

You then saw hound dog.

Y/n: over here! There are some villains.

??? 2: let us go! I can't let gentle go to jail he's my only light!

Hound dog: what are you Here?!

Y/n: midorya was fighting the gray haired one his name is gentle and she was running away with a computer.

Gentle: I have commiyed many crimes... But my greatest crime was to kidnap and brainwash an innocent girl.

Y/n: well, I have to go get midorya then go back to school question us later!

You teleported to midorya scaring him, you grabbed him and teleported back to the class scaring them.

Mina: where were you, midorya?! Why are you beat up?!

Midorya: I fell!

He was given clothes quickly and went to change.


It was 10 am everyone was in position. It was time.

The crowd cheered and you heared people scream momo's name making you smirk.

Y/n (thoughts): I knew she would've won the pageant.

(replace yokoyami with yourself and koda with tokoyami and also you changed forms a couple of times)


You were questioned but let go quickly since you were there at the end. You ran inside to help the others clean up.

Mirio: you did great! That was amazing! Better than what we did anyway.

Eri: it was so cool when you changed hair color and when you played the guitar it sounded amazing! I was sad when deku left though... But it was so cool!

She had a big smile on her face making you smile.

Y/n: I don't know about amazing but if you want I'll be happy to play for you eri! But after I finish cleaning up we'll hang out.

You ran to help then saw midorya talking with them.


It was then the pageant. Kendo looked good but then it was bibimi who confused everyone with her performance, it was hard to tell what was happening. You thought she was ugly with her long eyelashes and lipstick that you'd be able to see a mile away. Then it was nejire who blew everyone away with her beautiful performance. The winner was nejire.

Everyone had a fun time during the festival.


Midorya: thanks for today! It was fun!

Eri: yeah.

Midorya: eri... (She looked up at him) surprise!

Mirio: A candy apple! They were selling them? I couldn't find any!

Y/n: midorya made some with me and sato's help

Eri took a bite.

Aizawa: well, you should be able to see her again soon.

She giggled and had a smile on her face.

Eri: it's even sweeter!

Midorya: I'll make it again. Look forward to it.

Eri: I will!

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