Chapter 1 S3

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You were invited to do endurance swimming training at the pool at UA by midorya. Kaminari and mineta finally arrived after being 10 minutes late.

Lida: you're late!

Mineta:hey, hey, hey! Why are yiu guys here?

Midoriya: since we're doing endurance training at the pool, I messaged everyone to see if they wanted to come.

Kaminari and mineta began to whisper to each other. Then they turned to the girls with hope in their eyes.

Tsu: oh, mineta.

Jiro: kaminari, you came, too?

Kaminari looked disappointed while mineta looked satisfied.

Lida: kaminari, mineta! It was a great idea to suggest endurance training at school! I'm impressed! Now,why don't you come and sweat with the rest of us?

They both had a scared look on their face as lida came closer.

Mineta and kaminari: n-no, wait...wait a minute!


The girls were playing in the water while you guys just stopped another round. Mineta and kaminari were laying on the floor exhausted.

Lida: all right, let's take a 15-minute break! I brought these for everyone! Drink up!

Kaminari: Oh! Just what I'd expect from the class rep! I feel alive again. Thanks!

You and midorya were still training while the others were taking a break.

Lida: y/n, its time for a break! Didn't you hear!

Y/n: I heard you loud and clear! I'm just not tired! I want to use most of my time here to train.

Lida: well atleast take a drink

He handed you some orange juice which you chugged while he went to talk to midorya.

Y/n thoughts: I wonder if I can prefect the golden form it uses a lot of energy.

Lida: everyone, do you want to see which of the boys can swim 50 meters the fastest?

Kaminari: yeah!

Sero: sounds fun! Let's do it!

Momo: lida, we will help, too.

Lida: thanks!

Ojiro: what about quirks? Can we use them?

Lida: we're at school, so there shouldn't be a problem. However, you cannot cause damage to any people or buildings!

Y/n: question... Can we raise the distance? 50 meters is too easy! One time I swam all the way to the USA!

Momo: y/n t-that's impossible! That is around 10,143 kilometers!

Y/n: well I did! Ask my dad!

Bakugo: I'll crush you, deku! Of course, I'll crush both of you, too, monkey and half-and-half bastard!

The first one was you vs mineta vs tokoyami vs bakugo vs kaminari

Momo: then, on your marks... Get set...

Momo blew the whistle and all of you jumped into the water except bakugo who used his explosions to fly but you were still beating him without using your quirk. He made bigger explosions so you decided to just fly away making you beat him.


Y/n: - _-


Next match was sero vs aoyama vs todoroki vs sato vs kirishima.

Momo: on your marks... Get set...

She blew the whistle making all of the start. Sero was using his tape, aoyama used his beam, todoroki used his ice. Aoyama got a stomach ache and hit sero and todoroki reached the end making mineta and kaminari mad because people stopped swimming.


Then it was lid vs midorya vs ojiro vs shoji

Momo: on your marks... Get set...

She blew the whistle. Lida used his quirk to speed over the water making midirya use his quirk to swim faster which made lida speed up. In the end midorya won but it was close.

Sato: wow!

Sero: good job, midorya!

Mina: you were close lida!

Lida: you beat me, midorya.


Lida: the winner of each round- y/n, todorki, and midorya- will race for first place. Is that all right?

Midorya: yup

Y/n: yes!

Todoroki: yeah.

You got into your spots...

Lida: then, the 50-m freestyle final will begin now!

The class cheered...

Lida: on your marks... Get set...

He blew the whistle and all of you started...

You reached the end and looked back to see them in the water?

Y/n: huh?

???: it's 5 pm. your pool use time has now ended. Hurry up and go home.

You looked at the entrance and saw your dad with his pupils red and hair up.

Y/n: seriously dad! It was the finals!

Kaminari: come on, Mr.Aizawa!

Sero: we just got to the good part!

He gave all of you that look.

Aizawa: did you say something?

Class: nothing, sir!

Momo: I have a question. Did y/n really swim to the usa from here?

Aizawa: yes, he did. Now get out

The class screamed in surprise but left quickly when aizawa gave them another look.

Hello everyone! Please vote on a on if I should add a love interest or not,and if I should who should it be?

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