Chapter 11 S2

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It was tsu and tokoyami vs ectoplasm. They were doing well. You were meditating and just sensing whats happening. You were working on a four new moves. You were planning to use them on all might. Both tsu and tokoymi were stuck but dark shadow was fighting. You entered the room and saw the cuffs on ectoplasm's leg.

Then it was lida vs ojiro but you decided to watch this one. They had trouble because of all the pitfalls but then ojiro rode lida and lida used a recipro burst and went over some pitfalls but he was too fast and went over them before they fell. The pitfalls started to falk before lida reached them.

Midorya: oh, no!

But lida jumped and ojiro grabbed lida's leg with his tail and lida threw him towards the exit.

Uraraka: their both amazing

Before the fourth match started midorya went to talk to you.

Midorya: Kachan didn't want to do this but maybe we cam force him to. So y/n I was thinking instead of fighting we run aw-

Y/n: no! Sorry midorya, but you know how long I wanted to fight all might!

You left him in the corridor and entered the room as the fourth match started it was momo and todoroki vs aizawa. They were just running away and momo was making some dolls but then they stopped but didn't notice until it was too late and your dad attacked them and captured todoroki and threw spikes under him. Momo ran away though towards the escaoe gate but your dad caught her but she ran away back to todoroki .Momo wasn't the same, she lost confidence and was always second guessing herself. But threw the dolls 8j the air and blinded your dad for a sec. This gave you an idea for another move. Your dad ran after them but after a bit todorki used a massive ice wave and made a scarf similar to your dad's scarf.

Uraraka: why isn't mr. Aizawa going after them?

Midorya:he might've overused his eyes.

Y/n: nope he is thinking of a plan while analyzing their actions for the test.

Momo made a longer scarf and a catapult. They ran away while black cloths were over there head as your dad used his scarf to pull them of momo used the catapult distracting him then tkdorki used his fire on him and it made the scarf move and wrap around aizawa.

Recovery girl: oh my... When all's said and done, that man's a softie.

This made you laugh

Y/n: yes he is.

Next was uraraka and aoyama vs thirteen. Uraraka and aoyama were getting sucked in but then aoyama said something and uraraka turned red and let go, which made thirteen stop using her quirk to not hurt uraraka but uraraka thrn tackled her and aoyama rushed in to help. Uraraka cuffed thirteen to win.

It was you, midorya, and tsu in the moniter room.

Midorya: nice judgement, uraraka! I can't believe she thought to use her opponent'spowers to get in close!

This made you burst out laughing

Midorya: y/n what's wrong?

Y/n: she got in close by accident after she blushed and I know why she blushed.

Then lida and momo entered the room.

Lida: uraraka passed, huh? I don't expect any

Midorya: congrats to you and yaoyorozu, too!

Tsu: kero

Y/n: Yeah, congrats!

Lida: Thanks

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