(23) Caught ( Part 3)

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?: dad I think it's time you know the truth!
*the person said coming down the stairs*

Dad: what are you talking about jimin?
*hearing what Jimin said Aera panicked thinking he will expose her.
While BTS smirked seeing her Panicked figure*

Jimin: Dad Aera is the one who-

Aera: oh my god oppa, you just fainted yesterday you must be tired should I lead you to your room hmm?
*She said coming towards Jimin but was blocked of by*

Yn: don't you dare go near him!
*she said looking at her sharply*

Aera: What the fuck your talking about? I'm his sister! Your just a step sister!

Jimin: which I like more than you!
*he finally stood up from himself, he can't keep being quite. He is a mafia, a fucking mafia king. He can't be scared of girl who was part of his past. He need to overcome it somehow, and today is the day!*

Dad: Kim Jimin! Mind your words! She is your sister!

Jimin: I'm done dad I'm sick no no! WE (bts) are sick of you always giving Aera your first priority! We are your your son's too.! Do you know how it hurts when your own dad loves someone who isn't even his own daughter!
*he spat all of those words looking at Aera with Hatred*

Aera: d-dad what is he talking about?
*she started her drama*
dad: Uh he must-

Taehyung: no stop it dad! Just admit that she is a adopted!

Aera: is it true dad?
*she said continuing her drama*
Dad: why would you say that tae?
She is still your sister whom you loved!

Jungkook: love-ED
*He said emphasizing the word "ED"*
Dad: wh-

Yoongi: Cut the crap! Just get into the real drama already!
*he said drinking a sip out of drink while sitting on the couch, putting his right leg on top his left leg.
*Waiting for the REAL drama to happen. *

Hoseok: dad there is no easy way to say this keep yourself ready cause this news may shock you but please don't fu-

Jin: Aera killed m-mom.
*he said and looked at his father who was looking at them with raised eyebrows*

Dad: What the hell did you say?
How dare you assume that my daughter is the reason of my wife's death huh?
She said she don't know anything about that incident so stop bringing it up!

Yn: hmm i don't know maybe she was lying.

Aera: *scoff* lying isn't in my dictionary!

Yn; than I'll buy you a new one.

Jungkook: dad! We got proof!

Dad: what do you mean huh?

Namjoon: just watch this!
*he said and gave a laptop to his dad, it was a video of Aera talking to someone on the phone and it was an old video and that too the old Aera maybe the video was 5 years ago? *

Aera: alive huh? I thought you will be dead!

( Jimin looked at his brothers with wide eyes he knew that they will tell dad about this today but he didn't know that they've gotten this video, while Mr Kim was confused of what Aera said)

Aera: Don't be dumb Jimin! You definitely know what happened! Stop acting like a fool

Jimin: so it was real! Not a dream?

( Mr Kim looked at Aera who was trembling in fear she was about to take the laptop from Namjoon's hand but)

Yn: not happening!
*she said blocking her way making her (Aera) push her (yn) and went toward the laptop but too late, the next part of video played*

𝘔𝘢𝘧𝘪𝘢 𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘱𝘉𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴  ( 𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐅𝐅 ) Where stories live. Discover now