"Hold the door" he said. I nodded, not questioning him as he walked past me. I held onto heavy door, trying hard not to let it get the best of me and close.

I watched his body disappear into the darkness and silence emitted the air for a short second, until I heard Alena start to growl and bark. I closed my eyes, she never liked strangers and I realised she wouldn't go to him unless I was there as well.

I sighed and let go of the door, letting it softly close behind me. It was a little more dark now but I was still able to see perfect fine.

I walked over and stood behind Mr Malfoy "She won't bite" I said as Mr Malfoy flinched and looked behind himself, not expecting me to be there "She'll just growl"

He rolled his eyes and walked over to the chairs, standing on his tip toes to reach her. I watched as she stepped back and got ready to bark "Calm down Alena" I commanded. Hearing my voice, she stopped growling and let Mr Malfoy grab her.

He got her down off the chairs before handing her to me. I hugged her in my arms and went to thank him when suddenly he stopped still, his eyes slightly widened and he looked to me them to the closed door.

"You-You didn't let the door close, did you?" He asked. I looked at him confused, stroking Alena down her back.

"Yeah?" I rose an eye brow "She wouldn't of come to you if I wasn't here" I said and put her on the ground, holding onto her leash tightly.

"Oh no" he pushed past me "No, no, no" he cursed and tugged on the handle but the door wouldn't budge "Fuck—I told you to hold the door!" He shouted, the should carrying across the hall.

"Is it not opening?" I felt my stomach drop as he tugged on the door again and it didn't open.

"This is the only room in the building that I don't have a key for! The only person who has a key is the previous owner and she lives across town" he groaned before pulling out his phone "And there's not fucking service down here"

"W-What are you saying?" I blinked. I knew what he meant but I needed to hear him say it.

"What I'm saying is that we're locked in here until Monday afternoon when she comes for an inspection and hands me the fucking key"

"Oh my god" there is no way I'm gonna be trapped in here with him for two whole days "Can't you just kick it down or throw something at it?"

"No" he scoffed "The inside of the door is copper. That's why it's so heavy" he took a step back and swiped the back of his hand over his mouth, running through his mind to see what we could do to get out.

"So, what are we gonna do?" I asked.

"There's nothing we can do but wait"

"No" I shook my head "There has to be another way out of here. Like-Like a window or another door? C'mon" I turned around and walked to the other side of the hall, trying my best to see through the dark but every window had bars because we were on the third floor and it was quite high up.

I traced every corner of the hall, looking for a vent big enough for me to fit through it, maybe another door but nothing. The only way in and out of this place was through the locked door.

I huffed and walked back to where Mr Malfoy had now pulled a chair down and was sitting against the wall. His legs slightly apart, his hands crossed over his chest and head thrown back, his now messy hair scattered over his forehead and his eyes softly closed.

When did he-

"Satisfied?" He snapped me from my thoughts, his eyes still closed but somehow he knew I was standing in front of him "I told you that there is no way out"

"We can't stay here. There's no water, there's no food. Alena needs her meals and water—wait, where is Alena?" I frowned and looked around myself "Alena" I yelled into the darkness. A second later, she came running towards me from the other side of the room.

I sighed and took a seat on the ground, letting her curl up into my lap.

"Well, we're gonna have to. Thanks to you" he mumbled.

"This ain't my fault. You never told me there was no key, maybe that's something you should tell someone when they have such responsibility" I turned my head and rolled my eyes.

Luckily, he didn't see.

"Why else would I tell you to hold the door?" He opened his eyes and was now looking at me.

"How am I supposed to know?" I scoffed "I never know the reasoning to anything you tell me to do and when I question it, you yell at me. Which actually brings me to another question, since we're gonna be locked in here for a while and you're gonna fire me anyway"

He rose an eye brow at me, the corners of his lips twitching upwards.

"Why do you never eat anything I give you? Like, you ask for a coffee, i make you a coffee, then 10 minutes later I see the cup in the bin, untouched?" He blinked at me. I shut my mouth, surprised such words even left my lips in the first place. I guess it was the stress of the situation that made me so truthful and bold.

He leant forwards in his seat, leaning his elbows on his thighs and licking his bottom lip.

"How much do you weigh?" He asked out if the blue.

I was taken back by the question "Excuse me—"

"How much do you weigh?" He asked again.

"Uh— 80?" I didn't really know they answer since it had been a while since I had the time to actually stop and weigh myself.

He smirked and leant back "You're welcome"

I looked at him confused for a second until it clicked "How dare you—"

"Shhh" he frowned, looking past me and to the window. He leaned upwards and tilted his head, as though he was trying to hear something.

"What do you hear?" I asked quietly.

He stayed silent for a second, still looking up at the window "Nothing, I just want you to shut up" I scoffed and stood up.

"Arsehole" I muttered before walking to the other side of the room.

I had a feeling that these next two days were gonna be the longest days of my life.

Word count 1778.

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