Chapter 12: Planning The Special Exam

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Ayanokouji's POV

The exam will be in five days, and the class has already defined its challenges. Horikita organized them well, I think she finally understood to be a good leader.

In the last period today we will plan the strategy of the class, Sensei will observe us and give her opinion if she sees it necessary.

Horikita comes to the front and begins the explanation.

Horikita: "This is an opportunity to get valuable points for our class, with the match-ups they chose, I am confident that we will achieve a good result as a class."

Although she says it in a serious way as always, this time the class trusts her and apparently they are motivated.

Horikita: "This is the plan: We will divide into several groups, each group will cover different specialties such as sports, studies and other various activities. With this we will be able to defend and attack with a high probability of winning the confrontations."

Her plan is good, having in each group students who excel in different aspects achieves a balance that will play in favor of the group, that is: if someone in the group who is good in sports like Sudo is challenged to an intellectual confrontation he will have problems and probably lose.

But if someone in his group who is good in intellectual challenges can defend him, they can win the challenge. This will also work vice versa, which will benefit the groups and we will get more victory points.

Horikita: "The groups will be in different parts of the school depending on the chosen clashes. With this, we will get students from other classes with specific challenges to look for us, and we will gain more time while they waste it finding us."

As the test will last one day, students will try to have as many challenges as possible to earn points for their class.

And some will look for someone specific to have a challenge somewhere in the school where they have the advantage, putting our groups in different places will waste their time.

Horikita: "Besides this is a rule that I will set and that we all must abide by. We will not challenge Class B, as we have an alliance with them and they will not challenge any of us-"

Ike: "You mean we will face Class A and D? It will be difficult."

Ike spoke interrupting Horikita's explanation, he has a point facing two classes will be difficult but Horikita already thought of that.

Horikita: "Ryueen-kun issued a challenge to Class B, so they will face Class D and we will face Class A."

Everyone kept silent, facing Class A is no joke.

Horikita: "Eventually we will have to face the Class A, this is a good opportunity to show our strength and bring them down a bit."

She picked up on the mood and tried to encourage us, it really worked. The class trusted her words and that it was time to show what they were capable of.

Horikita: "Now the contingency plan, we can not ensure that everyone in Class D is facing Class B, knowing Ryuen will act to return to Class C. If that happens we will be in last place. So we will use Ayanokouji-kun's immunity to avoid expulsion of any of us."

Everyone agreed. There was no guarantee that Ryuen would only attack Class B, if he decides to attack us it will be a problem and I will have to use my immunity for this test.

Chabashira-sensei: "One moment Horikita."

Chabashira-sensei stood up to say something.

Chabashira-sensei: "I will make a recommendation if you come in last place in this exam. I recommend that you expel Hirata and save Ayanokouji-kun's immunity for the next time."

This did not go down well with the class.

Chabashira-sensei: "For the days that Hirata missed, you've already lost class points, admit it, he's become a nuisance, it's better to get rid of him if you get the chance."

She's right about that, Hirata's absences are taking a toll on our class points.

Mii-chan: "That can't be! Hirata-kun helped us from the beginning and he was willing to sacrifice himself in the previous exam, we can't expel him!"

T/N: Double it and give it to the next person.

Mii-chan stood up and said that a part of the class supported her.

Horikita: "If he was willing to leave before, he will still be willing to leave now. If Chabashira-sensei thinks we will need Ayanokouji-kun's immunity for the future, she must be right."

Horikita analyzed the situation. We still don't know what will happen in another test. Chabashira-sensei may have given us a clue and tried to help us.

Horikita: "We don't know what will happen in a future exam. If Chabashira-sensei says so because there is a possibility that we may need Ayanokouji's immunity...

The best thing for the class is to eliminate Hirata-kun, just in case we finish last in the next exam. This is the final decision."

She finished with that, it only remains for the others to accept it.

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