Chapter 8: Trying To Help (2)

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We went into Hirata's room, everything was messy and dirty, we sat down where we could and started talking.

Hirata: "Why did you come?"

Kushida: "The class needs you, you should come back."

Hirata: "I don't think so, I couldn't avoid the expulsion of a classmate. They don't need me."

Kushida: "Someone's expulsion is unavoidable, it's not your fault Hirata-kun."

Ayanokouji: "Kushida is right, you can't do anything. After all, the test was made to expel a student."

Hirata: "It's not true!"

He slammed the table in annoyance. This is not going well.

Hirata: "No one was expelled in B class! It means there was a way to avoid it."

Kushida & Ayanokouji: "..."

Kushida and I kept silent. I helped the B class, but he must not know, I must divert the topic.

Ayanokouji: "Listen Hira-"

Hirata: "You guys didn't listen to me when I tried to find a way to avoid expulsion, or when I volunteered to be expelled!"

Kushida: "Easy Hirata-kun, you mustn't get angry with us."

Hirata: "I don't know why you came here Kushida, because of you, the class was divided and no one listened to me.

Besides, what are you doing together with her Ayanokouji?! She tried to get you expelled!"

Ayanokouji: "Kushida was just manipulated by Sakayanagi's plan, it's not her fault."

After all, it's the truth besides she helped me. But if Hirata found out about my plan, he would get more upset.

Hirata: "I can't accept it. She was aware that you would be expelled and yet she colluded against you to accomplish it. You don't seem to care, why?"

Ayanokouji: "..."

Kushida: "It's not like that. I was just trying to help a fellow student understand Hirata-kun."

Hirata: "Helping him (Yamauchi) to expel someone, how can you be so cynical!"

Ayanokouji: "H-Hirata, what are you doing?"

Hirata got very angry, he approached Kushida and grabbed her by the collar of her uniform.

At that moment, I remembered the first encounter I had with Horikita's older brother. It was similar but this time I was upset by Hirata's actions.

I stood up quickly and hit him in the face, knocking him down in an instant.

Ayanokouji: "We'd better get going."

Kushida nodded and took her things, we left Hirata's room and I escorted her until we reached the door of her room.

Ayanokouji: "It won't be possible to bring him back, this exam will be done without him, besides Horikita has another plan.

Talk to her and maybe you'll regain the trust of the class. I'll go to my room."

Kushida: "Wait Ayanokouji-kun! I'd like to thank you earlier."

Ayanokouji: "It was nothing, you don't have to-"

Before I finished speaking I was interrupted, Kushida gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Kushida: "Thanks, see you."

She said cheerfully, then went inside and closed the door.

I turned around and went on my way to my room, thinking about what happened, I touched my cheek gently with my hand.

Ayanokouji: "This is something new for me."

This is the end of "Trying To Help."

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