Chapter 3: A Different Day (3)

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Kushida's POV

"It's okay, you can't help it. After all you're a guy... b-but if it's you... I don't mind."

I don't know why I said that; I blushed a little but I hope he won't notice.

Before we continued on our way, Ichinose arrived and greeted us.

Ichinose: "Hello, Ayanokouji-kun, Kushida-san."

I must be the Kushida she knows about, so back to my cheerful and sociable personality for now.

Kushida: "Hello Ichinose-san, what a surprise to find you around here."

Ichinose: "I saw you guys nearby and stopped by to say hello. By the way Kushida-san, why are you blushing? Is something wrong with you?"

Kushida: "E-eh?"

I'm still blushing from before, I didn't realize. I must think of what to say to explain why I'm like this-

Ayanokouji: "It's because of the heat. Kushida is not good with this weather, so let's go find something cold for her."

Ichinose: "Oh... I see. Well I'm not interrupting anymore, I have to go eat with the others, see ya!"

She left, we stood there for a while. Annoyed by myself for being unable to control my blush.

Ayanokouji: "So, shall we continue?"

Ayanokouji-kun's brought me back to reality, as I'm busy with my thoughts.

Kushida: "Sorry I was thinking e-en..."

I paused before completing my words.

I was thinking about the situation that put me like this, and before diving back into my thoughts.

Ayanokouji: "Then you'll think about it, if we keep standing here the cafe will fill up and there won't be room for us."

Ayanokouji-kun avoided it again.

Kushida: "You're right, we'd better continue on our way."

And so we resumed our way on our way to the cafe. When we arrived it was already late, the cafe was full and there were no tables available.

It's my fault after all, we're late because of what happened a few minutes ago.

Kushida: "I'm sorry, Ayanokouji-kun, it's my fault. We can talk another day, sorry for wasting your time on this."

Ayanokouji: "That's okay, we can buy something to go and we can talk in my room."

Ayanokouji-kun suggested going to his room. Apparently, he is very interested in what I have to tell him.

It's a good opportunity to make me closer to him and get his trust again.

Kushida: "Alright, let's go!"

Who Is The Real You? (Kushida x Ayanokouji)Where stories live. Discover now