"I hate to sound like a dick, but your stepmom's a real bitch." Nate muttered.

Jaiden laughed. "She used to be tolerable but who knows what happened over the years. Silence was the only way we got along in the end."

"You know I'm not going today, right?"

Jaiden laughed. "It's cute that you think you have a choice. You're backing me up in there."

Nate gave him a pleading look but was ignored by Jaiden. "Can't you take Toni?"

Jaiden groaned again. "Even if I didn't fuck it up today, I would never subject him to a session with Tracy and Brandon."

Nate fell on the couch next to him. "Wait! Fucked up? You have to spill everything. What happened? What's he like? How was the sex? Fucked it up?"

Jaiden threw a throw pillow at him. "No way in hell are we talking about this."

He got up and started to head to his room to get ready.

Nate was next to him within moments. "Please Jaiden! After talking about him nonstop for two months, I have to know."

"You have been talking about him nonstop." Jaiden responded with a laugh.

Nate didn't stop and sat stubbornly on his bed. "And you have been fantasizing about him nonstop."

When Jaiden didn't fight him, he spoke up again. "Come on. Was it at least worth the pining?"

"I wasn't pining."

"You were absolutely pining."

Jaiden groaned. "Just drop it please."

"Nope. If I am going to deal with lunch today with that bruja and her spawn, then I need answers." Nate said with his arms crossed.

Jaiden was going to fight him but stopped. He sighed and gave in. "You have one question."

"How was the sex?" Nate grinned.

Jaiden flushed a little and rubbed his face in embarrassment. Of course, this would be the question he asked. "Phenomenal. I'm going to be sore for days."

"Sore... wait... you bottomed? You never bottom." Nate said.

Jaiden frowned. "I feel like you know way too much about my sex life."

"More like your lack of a sex life." Nate grumbled.

Jaiden punched his arm. "Besides, I've bottomed before."

Nate shook his head. "Rarely."

Jaiden sighed. "If someone like Toni took control in the bedroom, you would bottom too. Seriously, that man is something else."

"And you're going to see him again?" Nate asked with a stupid grin.

"I... don't think so. I sort of pushed him away." Jaiden said with a frown.

Nate stood up and grabbed his shoulder. "No, Jaiden. You didn't."

Jaiden sighed. "I panicked."

"But he was everything! Looks - check. Accent - check. Phenomenal sex - double check. How could you just walk away from that?"

"I don't know." He said quietly.

But he knew why. He kept seeing the grieving Valeria and his broken father, and their pain was unbearable. And then he recalled every man who walked out on him after giving him the ultimatum, their relationship, or his career. He chose his career every single time. Would Toni do the same, with an opportunity laying in front of him? And would he choose Toni over his own job? That blurry line terrified him. It made it real.

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