7. Agua Fresca

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Jaiden examined Patricia who was happily sipping her tea. She seemed far too innocent for his stepfamily.

Brandon was glaring at him. "So, this is where you live? Out of all cities?"

"I've had my ups and downs, but this is home now." Jaiden said lightly.

Brandon scoffed a little. "Home? And how are you making money?"

Jaiden raised an eyebrow. "What are you implying."

"I doubt you can hold a real job. So, you're probably doing something underhanded like being a gangbanger or pushing drugs."

This drew out another laugh from Nate, enough to clutch his sides. "You have watched too much Breaking Bad."

Jaiden laughed as well. "I have had a stable career since I was 19. I'm good here."

But Tracy let out a condescending chortle. "That's doubtful. You're not fit to do anything worthwhile."

"Why? Because I didn't go to prep school or college like Brandon?" Jaiden said as he leaned back in him the chair with an eyebrow raised.

"Exactly. All you did was fight in high school and then you disappeared doing god knows what in Mexico." Brandon said.

"I never went to Mexico. I've been staying here in New Mexico. Someone with a fancy education should know their basic fifty states, right?" He leaned back and crossed his arms, showing off his bulging arms. "You make me out as some hooligan, but I never initiated a single fight, but I did defend myself when needed. What's more is that I am doing well for myself. I didn't need Brandon's pointless degrees or Tracy's money, because I reached my goals through hard work and dedication."

"You don't know anything about hard work or dedication." Tracy said.

Patricia looked nervously between the group of people. "What do you do for your job?" She asked him with genuine curiosity.

Jaiden was surprised that Patricia asked. No one from his family has bothered to ask without sarcasm or an insult. "I work in law enforcement."

Brandon rolled his eyes. "You getting arrested is not a 'career in law enforcement'."

Patricia gasped. "Brandon, stop."

Brandon didn't seem to like her talking back and took a menacing step towards her, and she tried to shrink back into the cough. Jaiden was immediately on the defensive because he did not like her reaction. He was on his feet and stared down Brandon. He was much larger than before and overwhelmed Brandon's weak build.

Brandon faltered for a moment and stepped back.

Jaiden took a breath to calm himself down and bit his tongue. He wanted to lash out. Hell, he wanted a fight. He felt his anger rising the more he thought about it. He should have turned back around. He should have stayed with Toni.

Tracy huffed. "We're doing lunch now. There's a cute little place down the road. Come with us."

Jaiden hesitated but nodded in the end. "Fine. We'll meet you there."

Tracy rolled her eyes. "The restaurant is named Maria's. Be there in an hour and don't be late."

At least there was a bright side to lunch. Maria's was a popular spot for the precinct. At least he will be in familiar territory.

Jaiden continued to hold his tongue and nodded. He helped Patricia stand and she gave him a grateful look.

When they left Jaiden groaned and fell back on the couch. "This was not the plan for the day."

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