Today Was a Fairytale

Start from the beginning

Speaking of which...

When I emerge in the living room, all of the boys are still asleep, just like I expected. I resist the urge to jump on Harry and wake him up, moving into the kitchen and seeing what's left in the fridge and pantry to feed all of these people. Judging by how they ate at the diner last night– which was so much food– I don't doubt that they're going to be asking where the food is not long after waking up.

After googling the ingredients for pancakes, I discover that there's just enough of everything to make a double batch that I know will be eaten up. I pull everything out, reading over the instructions a few times to make sure it's too easy to screw up. Then I try to pull out a large mixing bowl as silently as possible because the boys are literally right there, fast asleep– god knows how much longer they'll be knocked out. Part of me wonders what the hell these guys do all day that makes them so exhausted.

It probably doesn't even matter how much noise I make because I doubt they'll flinch.

I put a huge pan on the stove to start heating it up just as the girls emerge from the hallway. Devin and Hadley come straight for the kitchen, but Reagan stops in her tracks and blinks rapidly at the sight of the living room before following them.

"I call bullshit." She mumbles as she brushes past me to get a glass from the cabinet.

"Your eyes do not deceive you." I reply.

"Do you have tea bags?" Devin asks as she rummages through the pantry.

"You never drink tea."

"They're British." She shrugs. "Don't British people drink tea with every meal or something?"

"Probably not every meal."

"If only there was someone we could ask..." Hadley mumbles sarcastically.

"Bottom shelf." I tell Devin and she nods.

I finish mixing the pancake batter, wiping up the spilled flour and drops of milk on the countertop and putting away the ingredients. With the pan finally hot enough, I melt some butter and carefully use a spoon to drop some batter in it to form the first pancake.

Devin makes her tea, and Hadley pulls out some fruit to cut up and snack on. Cooper trots into the room and Reagan lets him outside to go bark at the squirrels, all while we whisper to each other as we talk to keep the noise levels down for the boys.

The smell of the pancakes that fills the house is absolutely mouth watering, so I'm not surprised when I hear shifting and shuffling coming from the living room and we all go quiet, seeing who the food woke up first.

Of course it's Niall.

I see him sit up on the air mattress and stretch, rubbing his eyes before looking over to the kitchen and the four of us move in reflex to look busy and normal and not like we weren't just staring him down.

I give Reagan a gentle pat on the back as she grips her glass with her life when Niall stands up and begins to walk towards us, sporting a ruffled blonde bedhead look and suddenly I feel like I might need to catch Reagan before she falls.

"Morning." He says groggily. "Whatcha making?"

"Pancakes." I chuckle as I flip one in the pan and Niall watches.

"Brilliant. I'm starving." He says, holding his stomach and confirming my theory from earlier.

"If you're thirsty, uh, Reagan can get you anything." I say, chuckling evilly under my breath.

"I can?" Reagan deadpans.


I smirk at the way Niall is smiling and continue to flip the pancakes, watching as Hadley mouths 'you're evil' to me.

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