"But I wanna." Nevaeh whined, watching Angel and Anthony walk to the elevators so that they can see Jayda.

"I wanna see them." She started to cry, burying her head in his neck. "Daddy I wanna see them." She constantly repeated.

"Maybe you should take her outside to get some air." Charlotte suggested, sitting next to Zylin. She could tell that he was trying to be strong for Nevaeh, but judging by his face he couldn't.

"You wanna go see your aunt Jayda?" Zylin asked, trying to lift Nevaeh's head.

"Afterwards, can we see mommy and papa?" She sniffled.

"Hopefully." Zylin mumbled, standing up rubbing her back. He hadn't slept since the day him and Heaven broke up, so he was running off of blunts.

Zylin, Nevaeh, and Charlotte walked to the elevators and filled them to ride up to Jayda's room. The elevator was silent besides Nevaeh small cries buried in her father's neck.

Finally getting off of the elevator and following the numbers on the wall to Jayda's room, they arrived walking in to see Angel laying on Jayda.

Jayda's face had smoke stains, and also an oxygen mask that helped her breathe. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail and her eyes were weakly opened.

When Jayda heard the door open she looked up to see her mom, godbrother, and niece. Jayda removed the mask, instantly coughing. "Bring her." She rasped out.

Zylin walked over, bending down so that Nevaeh could also get on the bed. "TT d-daddy said mommy and papa sick. I wanna s-see them." Nevaeh cried, with her fingers in her mouth.

Jayda looked at Zylin, removing the mask completely. "We have to let Doc McStuffins make them all better, then you can see them." She said.

Nevaeh cried louder hearing the same thing that her dad had said. She got off of the bed and walked to the couch laying down in a fetal position. Zylin just let her be, knowing that she would be sleep soon.

"What did the doctors say?" Jayda asked.

"That she may not make it, Daloni in critical condition." Zylin replied.

Jayda sighed, while she felt the tears sting the crease of her eyes. "I had just left, when I went back to get my purse, I saw the whole house on fire. Blood on the porch."

"Wait so how did you pass out?" Zylin asked.

"I ran in and drug them out. I wasn't going to let them just burn alive." Jayda replied.

"B-But if Heaven doesn't—No we're not talking like that, she gone pull through." Charlotte interrupted her daughter. She had already prayed over Jayda's room and said a prayer for Daloni and Heaven.


Cane had just arrived at the hospital with a big teddybear and a shrimp bowl from Heaven's favorite mexican place.

On top of seeing it all over the news, Zylin had contacted Cane and informed him of everything. Even though Cane, was still upset with Heaven, she was his little sister no matter what.

He had texted Zylin letting him know that he arrived, and walked in the emergency waiting room. He mugged everyone who stared at him, proud of the big teddy bear in his hands.

"Aye what room Heaven Bridges in?!" Cane yelled out, getting everyone's attention.

"Sir keep your voice down, and wait in the waiting area." One of the admitting nurses frowned.

"Where Heaven Bridges?" Cane asked, a little quieter.

"Sir we don't have any updates, you'll have to wait for the doctor."

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