Chapter 17

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(Y/n) POV)

Announcer: "Touou Academy member change!"


Kaga-chin: "Yeah?"

"Let me take him on defense." He looked at me like I was crazy. "You can have him on offense. Don't worry, I can do it." He hesitated, but nodded. Mine-chin walked over to Kuro-chin.

Mine-chin: "Hey, Tetsu. It's good to see you again. I was wondering what face you'd make. I like it. You look ready to go."

Kuro-chin: "Yes. I promised Momoi-san."

Mine-chin: "I more or less understand what you want to say, but you'll have to show me that with your play. Well, either way... Say it once you've beaten me."

Kuro-chin: "Yes."

Mine-chin: "If you can do it."

Kaga-chin: "Bring it on! We'll show you right away!" Touou inbounded the ball before the apologetic mushroom passed to glasses. Kaga-chin had traded marks with me. Glasses then passed back to the apologetic mushroom. The moved into a spot where Mine-chin and I were isolated. The apologetic mushroom passed to Mine-chin where we stared each other down. Mine-chin smirked where my vision was filled with his moves.

'Left jab step into a right crossover.' I stepped with him slightly, and as he went to crossover I stepped and forced him to back off. 'Drive into hesitation into step back then a spin.' Just like I saw my senses tingled as Mine-chin drove before slowing down a bit before speeding back up. I kept up with him as he took his step back and as I moved on him he spun past me. 'Dunk with right hand.' As he broke passed me and jumped I also jumped before slapping the ball away.

Hyuga: "Now! Fast break!" I had already began running back as Hyuga-senpai passed me the ball. Touou was already back to defend though.

Blondie: "You can take your slow fast break and shove it!" I drove towards glasses before moving the ball behind my back and passing to Kuro-chin who would then send an ignite pass to Kaga-chin. He then jumped to dunk only to be blocked by Mine-chin.

Mine-chin: "Oh? It's over? I was going to score one as a quick warm up. What is this? Sheesh... Pretty good, though." He then began picking his ear. "At ten points behind, I thought you guys must suck, but you're not bad, are you?"

Blondie: "Aomine, you bastard, play as hard as you can! You let that purple haired guy block you."

Mine-chin: "What? I can't play that hard. I'm tired."

Blondie: "You bastard!"

Mine-chin: "But... I might actually try in the second half." Kaga-chin, Kuro-chin and I were staring down Mine-chin.

Announcer: "The second quarter is over. The third quarter will begin after a ten minute interval."

Coach: "Good work in the first half! I made you these so we can make a comeback in the second! They'll replenish your energy!" I felt excitement until Captain opened the box. Whole lemons...

Hyuga: "Slice them! We're always telling you to slice them!"

Coach: "I washed them, so you can eat the skin. And you'll be able to eat lots!" I felt like crying.

Izuki: "Mitobe, do you have any?" Mitobe-senpai then pulled out the holy grail. We all then began to eat Mitboe-senpai's food.

Hyuga: "Mitobe, I'm so glad you're on our team." Coach was sulking in the corner.

"Next time I'll make sure to make some too!"

Kaga-chin: "Kuroko, don't you want any?"

Kuro-chin: "No, I'm good."

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