Chapter 10

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(Y/n) POV)

58-64, Seiho, fourth quarter, 4:47 on the clock.

Tsugawa: "I'm surprised they sent you and not Kagami or the purple haired kid, but for them to send a first year at all... Looks like Seirin's upperclassmen aren't so dependable. They just said they benched you two because it was their will. But here you are."

Kuro-chin: "I asked to be put in. Anyway, if you've been watching the game, there's no way you could believe that. If the upperclassmen have their will, then lowerclassmen have respect. I will defeat you to support the upperclassmen that I look up to." Boom, vanished. It was so quick that I barely noticed it was Hyuga-senpai who scored. Hyuga-senpai then proved why he was the  captain as he stole the ball. He then threw the ball to the right where Kuro-chin then passed to Mitobe-senpai who also scored on a layup.

'So they've finally got them down too, huh? Good.'

Kaga-chin: "This is the senpai's will." I followed Kaga-chin's eyes as he watched Kuro-chin. "Amazing..."

Coach: "You just noticed? He's always like this!"

"Kuro-chin is a nightmare to play against. Trust me. I'm well aware of how Seiho's feeling right now." 70-69 in the fourth quarter with only 29 seconds left. We had made a comeback thanks to our senpais and Kuro-chin. That lead was quickly taken back by Iwamura-senpai who dunked over Mitobe-senpai and Tsuchida-senpai.

Iwamura: "Don't underestimate a king! You need 10 more years of experience to beat us!" They then brought out something interesting.

Coach: "Full court man-to-man?"

"They're trying to score again." Mitobe-senpai set a screen for Izuki-senpai who then passed to Kuro-chin. Tsugawa actually followed Kuro-chin and was ready to stop his pass.

Kaga-chin: "Kuroko!" Kuro-chin's hand then flew over the ball. He then brought his right hand around and quickly passed the ball to Hyuga-senpai. Then the two most satisfying sounds went back to back. The swish of the net, then the ringing of the buzzer. 73-71, Seirin victory. We all cheered as I ran over and wrapped an arm over Kuro-chin's shoulder.

"Man am I glad to be on your side!" A small smile formed on his face as the others then surrounded Kuro-chin.

Tsugawa: "Why?! Seirin just formed last year! We practice way more than them! They didn't stand a chance last year! No matter how you look at it, we're stronger!"

Iwamura: "Enough, Tsugawa."

Tsugawa: "But..."

Iwamura: "The strong don't win. The winners are the strong ones. They were stronger. That's all."

Tsugawa: "Tell me your name!" He stood behind Kuro-chin who turned to look at him. "Your name!"

Kuro-chin: "It's Kuroko Tetsuya."

Tsugawa: "I'll remember it. I definitely won't forget."

Kuro-chin: "Thanks." The upperclassman plus Kuro-chin lined up across from Seiho.

Ref: "73-71, Seirin!"

Teams: "Thank you very much!" I saw coach tearing up next to me.

Coach: "Congratulations, guys." Captain then put his hand on top of her head.

Hyuga: "Keep it together, Coach. It's not time to cry yet. You can be happy after we win the next championship game." Coach quickly wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded.

Kaga-chin: "Looks like they're finished, too."

Kuro-chin: "You're right."

Ref: "113-38, Shutoku!"

Kuroko's Basketball X Male ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora