Chapter 11

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(Y/n) POV)

Shutoku readied to try and capture the first quarter as they gave Mido-chin the ball. Mido-chin pump faked before passing the ball away. I smirked as I reached my hand out and grabbed the ball out of the air. I passed Izuki-senpai the ball as we ran down the court.

'I have a bad feeling something big is about to happen.' I watched Shutoku's center grab the rebound before passing the ball out to Takao. Takao breezed past Izuki-senpai causing me to have to move to defend him. He then passed behind his back into #4's hands. I quickly pivoted and jumped to contest the shot. I grimaced as my fingers barely scraped the ball. 'Damnit!' I glared ahead as I ran back to the other side of the court. I stood ready as Hyuga-senpai passed the ball to Kuro-chin which made me begin to cut towards the hoop. I stuck my hand out as the ball landed directly in it. I pushed off the ground with my left leg and spun in the air before jamming down the dunk. 'We can't win like this.'

S. Coach: "Takao, Kimura, change marks. Takao, get on No. 11."

'He wouldn't switch Takao onto Kuro-chin without him believing Takao can stop him.' Takao then made a no look pass before a quick basket was made soon after. Takao was now guarding Kuro-chin.

Takao: "I knew this would happen. Shin-chan would say it's our fate to fight against each other. I didn't think we'd face each other so soon. It occurred to me the first time we met. You and I are the same kind of person. We're both first years, too. Passing is our bread and butter. So I guess you could say I hate you because you're like me. I just don't want to lose to you." I watched Takao intently for a second.

'His passes remind of of Izuki-senpai's, but... it almost seems like he's better than Izuki-senpai.' Izuki-senpai went to pass to Kuro-chin only to have it stolen by Takao. I sighed and began running to catch up to their fast break. There is only so much I can do when they have half a court head start on me though. I didn't give up when I went to block the shot, but like too many times today it scraped over my fingertips and went in the hoop. "Damnit." I mutter to myself. Once again when we go to attack on offense, Takao beats Kuro-chin's pass. I immediately began running after Takao as quickly as I could. I managed to catch up only half a second to slow. The very tips of my fingers hit the ball on his layup causing it to almost roll out, but luck wasn't on my side today. I looked down at the court as the ball bounced next to me.

Ref: "Seirin, time out!" 8-11, Shutoku in the lead, 3:40 left on the clock.

Kaga-chin: "Hey, don't tell me you're going to keep letting them get you." I continued to stare at the floor as I listened in at their conversation.

Kuro-chin: "Well, I suppose I don't like it."

Kaga-chin: "That's what I like to hear! Coach! Let us keep going like this, please."

Coach: "Like this? You know your misdirection won't work against Takao-kun, right? Are you going to be okay?"

Kuro-chin: "I'm not okay. I have a problem."

Coach: "Yeah, I see... I mean, what are you going to do?" Cue buzzer.

Ref: "Time out over."

Kaga-chin: "Take care of Takao."

Kuro-chin: "Okay." I leaned over to Kuro-chin's side.

"I'm livid right now so if worst comes to worst, give me the ball." I whispered into his ear as he nodded. We had the ball thankfully so I watched Izuki-senpai carefully. He tried to pass me the ball, but it was intercepted by #8. I grunted to and pushed forward trying to stop the fast break. Still coming just short. 'Damnit!' Thankfully we managed to get Captain the ball who seemed to be in Clutch Time.

Kuroko's Basketball X Male ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin