Chapter 23 Sword

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Adrian's p.o.v.

"Adrian, It's urgent may I come in?" Danny said through the door. A week into searching for Amanda and Christan. Nothing. Was this finally my good news. Do I get to see Igor now? "Yes, Dan?" I said. Danny burst in through the door and dragged me into his car. He drove in complete silence. I was worried now. We reached the base and he led me to the cellars. Yes! I was correct. "Elliot and Damon caught Amanda and Christan," He said in a rather sad tone. "Ok, where is Igor?" I asked. He kept his gaze down. "Brother?" Jessica came from behind as she patted onto my shoulder. "Would you please take a seat?" She asked me. This doesn't sound good. What was going on? "Ok, so brother, that day, when Amanda and Christan ran away. Igor..." She paused. As I see her swallow a lump in her throat. "He went behind them, I know, did something happen to him?" I said. "Well- Brother. He died that day." Jessica let out. 


Today I finally understood the meaning of the idiom, 'the floor was swept away from beneath me.' My eyes felt heavy as if they hadn't slept in a month. My vision was blurred. I could feel my heart racing at the words I just heard. 'Igor was dead a whole week ago, I was being lied to too.' "Tell me your lying" I managed to speak. I honestly couldn't understand anything at this point. I know I hated him but I loved him more than that hate. He was my only brother. I should have never pushed him away. Well, at least he gets to meet our mother now. "Did Amanda kill him?" I asked as I notice my white knuckles that held the armrest too tightly. "We don't know," Jessica said as a tear dripped from her eye. I immediately stood up wiped away her tear. Shook my head. "Don't you dare fucking cry!" I said as I startled her with my loud voice. 

I rushed to the cellar and saw both of the lovebirds sitting side by side. They are gonna regret this so bad. I approached Christan with bloodshot eyes. Started punching the hell out of him.  I knew he shot me. I punched him until his nose started to bleed. With his teeth filled with the red liquid coming out of his gums. Amanda watched in terror. I was treating Christan as my punching bag, what did you expect me to do?

 Don't worry Amanda your chance will come. I hear Danny standing in the doorway. "Get me Igor's sword immediately!" I ordered as I glanced at Danny. "Now, which one of you killed him?" I asked as I looked at them. "I did," Amanda said. "She's lying, I did-" Christan began. "No Chris, I did, there's no point in hiding it now," Amanda confessed. My fist collided with her jaw. She spits blood out of her mouth. "That's all you got pretty boy?" Amanda asked as she flashed me her bloody teeth. "Have patience honey," I said as Danny handed me Igor's sword. Removing the cover, I reveal the blade to them. "Brother, before you kill them," Jessica said as she approached me. She slapped Amanda across her face. "FUCK YOU!" Jessica shouts as she punched Christan next. 

"This is for Igor," I said as held the sword. "I love you, Christan," She said facing Chris. "I'll meet you in Hell, Adrian," She continued. I positioned the sword and with one swift move. Amanda's head was off her body. I watched with disgust as her lifeless head fell onto the floor. "I just helped the world rid of a person," I said as I stepped to Christan. "You just rid the world of a good human being. She never killed an innocent. Only criminals. You won't be seeing her in Hell," Christan said as a tear dropped from his eye. "Why did you do this?" I asked. Chris scoffed. "You haven't figured out the world have you, pretty boy?" He asked with a smirk. "We were doing it for money. Do you actually think there is another explanation for this? It is always for money. We weren't born into rich hierarchies like you were," Chris said. "You risked your lives for money, Oh please, give me a break," I said. "Well, she did it for revenge for her father," Christan said as lay his eyes on Amanda. "Kill me now?" He said. I did as he asked. Beheaded him. 

I dropped to my knees. I just killed two of my favorite people. I dropped Igor's sword. I screamed at the top of my lungs. How could I be so stupid!!! Fuck love. It destroyed me. My family and my friends. I honestly feel like Martin should have killed Amanda as a gift, instead of threatening her. Love is blind, deaf, dumb. And I hated it. "Brother?" 

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