Chapter 22 Trapped

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Adrian's p.o.v.

The sound of electric beeping, irritating electric beeping woke me from my slumber. The feeling of plastic tubes running through my nose hit me. The memories rushed in. Slowly but precisely. All the kisses and hugs, goodbyes and hellos, kills, and blood. Lust and Love. Friends and family. And finally, watching Amanda and Christan attack Igor and me. Igor. My younger brother. My only brother. The middle child. I realized I had to wake up. I realized I had to avenge. I realized I had to kill the betrayer. Amanda Rose Hale. And. Christan O'brian. I am coming for you.

My eyes shot open. The bright light contracted my pupils as I come out of my dazed phase. I see Jessica chewing on her nails sitting by my bed. "Jess?" I asked for her in my squeaky voice as I shifted my hand. "Adrian?" She spoke calmly as she grabbed my hand and moved closer. A tear fell from her eye. "I am alright," I croak out. "Elliot? Adrian's up," She said between tears and sobs. Elliot came in. He looked at me with pure joy. Checked my vitals. All good. "It's a miracle you are up already," He said as he finished reading my pulse and noted something down. "What do you mean?" I asked as I drank a glass of water. 

"You were in a medically induced coma for 3 days. It takes people weeks to get up," He said. Shocked me asked "I guess destiny wants me to find that bitch and her boyfriend and kill them alongside Igor, for messing with us," "Ohh, Jess didn't tell you did she?" "Tell me what?" "About Igor?" "Did he kill them already?" "No- Igor, he isn't here" "What do you, Elliot?" "He left us...." "What Do You Mean He Left!!!" I said raising my voice, it hurt my chest. I clenched my jaw. "I mean he left to find Amanda and Christan," He said as he wiped off the sweat from his brow, he's lying. I just went with it. "When can I join him 'doctor?'" I asked with air quotes on 'doctor.' "You are on bed rest for at least a week, the best I can say is 5 days," Elliot said as he opened the door and let himself out. Ok. I am bored. I reached for my cellphone and dialed Igor. Better get updates. After a few rings, it said that his cell was switched off. Fuck. I hate bed rests. 

Elliot's p.o.v.

I rush out of the doorway. That was close. Why didn't Jessica tell Adrian about Igor? He is dead and Adrian is supposed to know that. I am no one to tell him that. I feel like I don't deserve to tell him something that can wreck his soul. I storm into Jessica's room. "You didn't tell Adrian about Igor?" I whisper shout as I slam the door shut. She sat on her bed looking hopeless. "Did you tell him?" She said with a stern look. "No" I responded. "Don't tell him," she said. "But why? He deserves to know!" "Elliot, just do what I say! I am the rightful leader of the Sidorvo Mafia until Adrian is out of bed rest! You do what I say!" She shouted, I always knew she couldn't handle everything at once.

"Calm down Jessica," "Calm down? One of my brothers is dead, and the last thing I said to him was that he was nothing to me!" She paused, "Get it all out Jess" I assured her. "My other brother was nearly dead trusting a fucking agent that was coming to kill him, he also must have a mental problem now, because of all this fucking mess! Danny is also hurt fighting to save someone like Amanda!" She shouted. I nodded at her handing her a water bottle. I need to be here for everyone. I need to Handel everything now. 

I never spoke much, always valued my words. I stayed shut until it was really important. I take everyone's problems and suggestions. Even I needed to let everything out. I couldn't go to Carol, she's suffering herself. So I went where I always did. The graveyard. My story is like all others. My father left my 8-month pregnant mother. And she grew me up until I was 5 and she died of cancer. Adrian's mother saw me on the streets and saved me. So I went to her grave. "Mother, here I am again, I know I promised I'd come only once a week, and this is my third time but I was compelled to come." I paused as I stood near the headstone. "Why did you leave me? Why didn't you fight? Why? Such a funny word. Asking for a reason. I don't understand the way of life anymore. My head is fucke-  sorry my mind is all messed up" I said. She hated us swearing. 

"I hope you find your son's soul mother, somewhere he deserves peace........ peace with you." 

Adrian's p.o.v.

I heard a car leave the driveway. It was good to be back home. I called for Jessica. She arrived a few moments later. "Yes, brother?" She said. "I can't reach Igor, when was the last time you talked to him?" I asked her. "He left today in the morning, he informed us that he won't contact us until he has a hold of them," She said. "Wow, looks like he's taking some responsibility," I said with a scoff, "anything else?" "No, thanks for coming here," "Anytime," she said and left out of the door. The silence wasn't peaceful today. What has become of my world? Just one mistake that I made ruined our lives. I should have never let Amanda steal my heart. 

What now?

Amanda's p.o.v.

Christan bought a Tiffany blue, 1969 Chevy Camaro Convertible just for me. He knew I always had a thing for old cars. Not fast newer cars. We had to get back to the agency to report Igor Sidorvo's death. Boring I know, but work is work. On the good side, I get to go on a long 1-month vacation after this. After that, we will be assigned to kill Adrian. 


I fixed myself before entering the office. With a short knock, I opened the door. "Agent Hale reporting sir!" I said all formal style. Just the way we were supposed to. "Ahh, Agent Hale, what a wonder to see you!" He paused speaking all rainbows and sunshine, but he switched to his normal attitude soon. "Status of the mission. Fast. I have a meeting with the governor." He said as his voice grabbed the usual stern behavior. "Igor Sidorvo has been terminated, Adrian Sidorvo has been left with a 10 cm long bullet near his heart," I said with confidence. "So he's alive?" He asked as he cocked his eyebrows in a shocked manner. Fuck. "Yes- Yes Sir!" I said as I didn't let fear creep into me. "Why? Would you care to explain?" He asked as he inched closer from his seat to me standing near his desk. "I- I wanted to keep him alive" 

"Listen, Miss Hale! We made it clear in the beginning that your past should not interfere with this mission than why was he left alive?!" He shouted. "I know Sir, but I plan on killing him as soon as possible," I said. "As soon as possible my foot!" He said as he threw a paper-weight at the wall. "I want him dead by a month!" He said as he left me in the office. I let out a sigh. This man and his temper. Too much. "I heard the conversation, well more like an outburst" I heard Christan's voice behind me from the doorway. "I hate that fucking man sometimes!" I whisper shouted as I hugged him. "I know baby, he's so annoying," Chris said as he kissed my forehead. "Let's just go and plan to kill Adrian. I need a break!" I said as we left the secured building and left for our Apartment. 


"God! I am out of ideas!" I said as I threw a crumpled paper onto the floor. "Hmm... Even though I hate to say this...." Chris said. "At this point, I am willing to work with anything, go ahead," I said with an exhausted look. It was 2 fucking a.m. and we'd been thinking of ideas since 6 p.m. "Should we do this trap and run plan again?" He said. I froze. "Chris! The last time we did that you almost got shot into your brains!" I said. Just don't ask me the details, it's a very long story. "Baby, it's the only option left" "Fine, let's get trapped."  


*Ooooooo the end is near!!! I am so thankful for the 200 reads*

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