𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 - 𝑹𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓

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I blinked my eyes open right in time to hear his last sentences. His woman. Once he breeds me.

What. The. HELL? Noooooooooooo way was anybody breeding me. What on earth had Bianca gotten me into?

Still, I stayed where I was, playing possum on the floor. Do not move. Do not breathe. There were too many of the big bastards in the room. There was no way I could make a run for it. That would be a decision made out of desperation.

I always thought heroines in books and movies who tried to make a panicked run for it right away were stupid-even if I made it upstairs, I had no idea how many more guards were up there. It would be much smarter to bide my time, get them to trust me a little, then make a break for it once I had the lay of the land and could get my hands on some sort of weapon.

But then, to my relief, there came the sound of loud boots on the stairs. Some of them were leaving. I dared to peek and saw that I was only left with the one-the one who'd talked about breeding. Oh goody.

Maybe if I just kept lying here and pretending to be out-

"I know you're awake," he said quietly, his lips barely moving.


I closed my eyes all the way again and moaned groggily.

A light chuckle greeted my theatrics. "That's good, we can use that for maybe another half a day to stall them. I'll say they used too much sedative to knock you out. I'll try to come up with a plan to get us out of here. In the meantime, just rest. Here, I'll move you to the couch."

Wait, what? Okay, I officially had no clue what the hell was going on. Wasn't this guy one of my kidnappers?

I hadn't gotten a great look at the guy, but I was a big girl. Sure, he was built, but still he had to have maybe what, only fifty pounds on me? And he thought he was just going to lift me up like-

But then he'd scooped me off the ground like I weighed no more than a child, and it didn't seem to be breaking his back to do it.

He settled me gently on the couch, careful with my neck as he placed my head on a pillow.

Now he had me completely freaking baffled.

That didn't feel like the touch of a serial killer with a weird fetish for 'breeding' women. And was it just me, or had he been locked down here before I even got here?

"What's going on?" I whispered, trying not to move my lips too much, my eyes still closed.

"Shh," he murmured. "I'll get you out of here. There's nothing to worry about. Try to sleep."

It shouldn't have been possible, maybe it was simply the hypnotic quality of his voice or the fact that I was too stressed out and overwhelmed to do anything else.

But I slept.


When I blinked my eyes open, I yelped.

He was right there, the man from last night. Not the hawk-nosed man-the young one who'd already been in the basement when I'd been so unceremoniously tossed down there with him.

My entire situation hit me with a rush. Bianca getting into trouble. Dragging me in with her, just like always. Me thinking I could fix things like usual.


For once, Bianca had gotten us both in over our heads. Way way way way way over our heads. My heartbeat started racing as I realized just how much danger I was in.

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