Chapter 16

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Adrien's POV

Marc stood there, gaping. Adrien hadn't known whether it had been a good call to call him. But he desperately needed someone he knew to confide in, and Marc was the only person he could reach.

'Please, Marc, don't tell on him.'

'Is this what I think it is?' Said he, pointing at the peacock.

'I . . . I don't know. Marc,-'

'Are you trying to tell me your father is . . . Sh-Shadow Moth?!'

'I don't know. It's just-'

'No, no, no. This is bad.'


'I told Nathaniel to come, and he's on his way he said.'

'I'm sorry. But . . . Please. I don't want to loose my last family.'

'I . . .' Marc was visibly torn. After a silent deliberation, Marc went to Gabriel and took the brooches off him. 'I'll keep them on me. When I see Marinette next, I'll give them to her so she can give them to Ladybug. Why didn't you take them off him? You said you knew Chat Noir.' Asked he suspiciously.

'I . . . I can't bear this burden alone. I needed someone else to know. But why is this happening after he became Shadow Moth.'

'Perhaps . . . Could Nathalie and your mother have born the peacock miraculous?'

'It could be that Nathalie had it. She disappeared together with . . .' Realisation dawned on Adrien. Nathalie had helped Hawk Moth, no, his father. Why did his father want the ladybug and cat miraculouses? What possibly could be his motive. Another person knocked on the door, and Gabriel's eyes opened. 'Marc, open the door.' Said he, dashing for his father. 'Father, father are you alright?'

'Yes, Adrien, yes. Help me up.'

'No, no, you must lie down. What is . . . What do you want to wish?' He whispered his question, so only Gabriel could hear, and Marc and Nathaniel couldn't. Marc was keeping Nathaniel in the doorway. 'Please, father, tell me. I can't stay here much longer.'

'Your mother, to bring her back.' Coughed out he, Adrien felt tears blossom in his eyes.

'Adrien, are you alright, Mr Agreste, how are you faring? Is it something terrible?'

'No, no, I'm fine, truly. I don't want to keep you any longer, I'm sure you all have school.' Said he, waving them all out. Adrien went out feeling guilty. He would probably try and transform, only to discover that his miraculous had been taken away. There was no doubt about it, his father was Shadow Moth. In silence they went out of the hotel, where Joris was waiting.

'Ah, there you are. Come on, quick, you're going to be late for Amsterdam.' They cycled away, but Adrien couldn't go fast, so their pace was slow. They arrived just in time at the school. He sat down in the bus next to Marinette, feeling wretched.

'Ah, Adrien, is something wrong?' Asked she concernedly, softly, as if a mother.

'I . . . My father is worse.'

'Oh, Adrien.' She pulled him into a fierce hug. 'It's going to be alright. If you're afraid, don't worry, we'll be here for you. I'll listen to anything you need to say or release. I'm here for you, as, I'm sure, are our friends.' Adrien didn't see other people stare, but he felt them. He felt their eyes on him. The golden boy who was crying. What would they make of him? He was a millionaire's son, how could he be sad? He had everything in the world. He even had a girlfriend, what was happening? He felt himself break down on Marinette's shoulder.

'Adrien, know that I'm here if you need to release something, okay?' Said Ms Bustier softly. He hadn't noticed her coming there.

'Thank you.' All around him people gave him their support. He just couldn't shake the feeling that somehow, were the secret of his father's to be revealed, he would not get this support. They had a short break on their journey, in which he was continually at Marinette's side. Including the moment when Marc came up to her.

'M-Marinette, I-I need to give you s-something.'

'Sure, what is it?' Marc rummaged a little bit in his bag, before he pulled out a little paper bag.

'Give this to Ladybug, under no circumstance, no circumstance, I tell you, open it yourself.'

'Why? What's in it?' Marc looked at Adrien then, and he shook his head. 'What is it, Marc, Adrien?'

'I can't tell you. But rest assured, it is important she sees it. Adrien, will you come with me?'

'Sure.' Said he, still a little down. Afraid Marc would be unlike Marc, as he had been with the miraculouses.

'Adrien, You have to promise me something.'


'That you will tell no one about your father. He is going to rot away, I just know it. He is going to rot away, and I'd rather it be in his own home, or in a hotel room, than in prison. Just for you.'

'I wouldn't tell anyone, never.'

'Thank you,' said Marc, 'you're the best.' Then he rushed back to Nathaniel's side, which he didn't really leave until they were in Amsterdam proper.

(A/N: 869 words)

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