Chapter 3 (got any ideas? coz I don't)

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Marc's POV

The goat that flew out made Marc ball his eyes out. Was he dreaming? 

'Hello, there, I am Ziggy, the kwami of the goat miraculous, granting you the power of pacifism.' Piped he, waving with his arms.

'Wh-what are you t-talking about?' Said he afraid, trying to find something to put him under. 

'You've been granted the goat miraculous by the guardian of the miracle box. You must transform with the goat miraculous into your hero self, which will make you able to take the will to fight away from someone. Just say: "Pacifism!"' Said he. Marc took the information in stride, and took the two hairpins. They looked like two ram's horns, but when he put them in his hair, they morphed into the hairpins he had been pining for. 

'H-how do I know when I've got t-to help the heroes?'

'Whenever you're aware of a person being akumatised, you're expected to go there and help them.' Ziggy's high voice was strangely calming. He looked away from the reflection on his screen to open up his school books for homework. After having finished his homework he went to bed. 

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Nathaniel's POV

He woke up in the morning and took out his laptop again. At the start of next week they would have to be in Nijmegen. He sighed. The only reason he went there was because otherwise he'd have to go to Turkey, and according to his parents that wasn't safe enough. 

He only had Dutch so he had a profile to end school with. Having opened his laptop, Discord opened up and he saw that Marc was already online. He sent him a message.

N: What are you doing?

M: Nothing much, you?

N: I'm trying to learn how to draw Medusa, how are you?

M: Pretty good, you?

N: Pretty well.

M: How is Medusa coming along? He sent him a picture. Omfg, that's so good!

N: What're you talking about? the hair is all wrong and those statues aren't lively enough.

M: You can see that, perhaps, but I don't know anything about drawing aside from it being done by a pencil, so shush. With that the conversation ended, he started drawing with his electric pencil on the tablet next to the laptop. At eight he got out of his bed and broke his fast whilst making his lunch. He took a cup of coffee in haste, which wasn't recommendable, as he was packing his bag. 

After all that he went to school and entered the class having settled into the back bench, taken out his sketchbook he started to sketch. He watched everyone enter the classroom one by one, Marc entered at twenty past eight, wearing two beautiful hairpins that were studded with black diamonds. He stood next to him, speaking thusly:

'C-can I sit n-next to y-you?'

'Of course.' Said he whilst admiring those beautiful emerald eyes from the corner of his eyes, so as not to attract attention to it. Marc sat down next to him, taking out his notebook and pen with which he started writing in it. He was intrigued, and tried reading over his shoulder. 

'Wh-what are you t-trying t-to do?' 

'Sorry, I-I was, uhm . . . trying to u-uhm . . . I w-was t-trying to-'

'R-read my story?' Asked Marc extremely anxiously. Why had he tried to read it? He only nodded, because he couldn't get a word past his lips. 'Did you s-see any of it?' 

'No.' Marc's relief was clearly visible, and he went back to drawing his sketch of Marc. After six minutes he found that he was staring at the real deal again. How big were his luck to give him Marc into his class? 

'I like the pins,' said he. Marc shot a hand to the pin.

'Oh, r-really?' He said smiling. 

'Yeah, they're nice.' 

'Th-thank you, I've b-been pining for th-them for a long t-time.' Marc was blushing for some reason, Nathaniel wanted to tell him he was so beautiful. Extremely so. He was cute. 

But then the teacher had to enter the classroom. Newly Mrs. Mendeleiev was less grumpy since she'd wed, and her lessons had improved in quality and boringness, as in, they were less boring; there were, after all, way less speeches about the subject matter and way more about stuff that was interestingly explosive and gave him a lot of inspiration. During class Marc kept writing in his notebook, and again he was intrigued, but, this time he kept his nose in his own pocket. 

During science class he was sketching an explosion in a rough outline. Not really thinking about what he was drawing. After the class had finished they had a free hour, at least, he and Marc did, so they worked on the comic together. After the hour and break were gone he'd finished the final drawing and Marc had the story for the second series fully pinned down. 

Next class, he had arts and Marc had another free hour. Nathaniel shot a single peek into Marc's notebook and saw his name on the page that Marc hadn't wanted him to see. He shot his eyes away quickly. Why had Marc written his name down? 

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Marc's POV

Nathaniel looked at his notebook, but he thought the single glance wasn't long enough to betray anything; his heart was still thudding quickly, though. He continued writing his story about the perfect Nathaniel. When he looked up after ten minutes, he saw an akumatised person on the screen, fighting a Ladybug and Chat Noir who were clearly in trouble. 

'Marc, you've got to go to the loos, now!' Whispered Ziggy commandingly. Marc went there and looked at his kwami. 

'What now?' 

'Now you say: "Ziggy, let's ram!" And you transform.' 

'Ziggy, let's ram!' Said he, as the kwami went into his hairclips. He felt his clothes change in a burst of grey light. His pins changed back into the form of two horns, his clothes became skin-tight and he got a spear with a dangly bit at the pointy end instead of a pointy thing; the thing was basically a stick with some fluff at the top. (A/N: let me be bad at descriptions ok)

Having transformed, he rushed towards the Louvre where Ladybug and Chat Noir were fighting the villain.

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