chapter 13

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Shadow Moth's POV

He looked around the room. The five-star hotel was not up to his standards, but he hadn't been able to find something better near enough to Nijmegen. His sense of the negative emotions around him was so different from Paris. Much less reserved, much less held back.

His previous creation had failed him, though it had proven his theory. All the heroes were from the school his son went to. What's more, they were here, which meant they were in the same year as Adrien. The possibilities had gone down from nearly all of Paris, to a group of forty-five students. Five of them were so-called heroes.

His heart hammered. He fell to the ground, coughing, head aching like there was a bomb going off at every movement.

'Nuuruu, dark wings fall. Duusu, gather my feathers.' He said through his coughing.

'Are you alright, sir?' Asked Nuuruu. Duusu looked down, quite clearly saddened.

'No, not really.' Said he through more coughs. 'But it doesn't matter. Emily must return.'

'Mistress Emily?' Asked Duusu, seemingly glad at the mention of her name.

'Yes, but, silence, I need silence.' The kwami's couldn't talk anymore after that. Making Gabriel thankful for the powers of the miraculous. Sitting down on the bed, he kept his head in his hands, he just had to rest.

Lain on the bed, he felt his head slowly become drowsy. It still felt as if a bomb were exploding every second, but it was better than standing or sitting. Gabriel Agreste fell asleep not long after.

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Marc's POV

At 5 PM they were stood in front of the school, together with their pairs. He stood next to Nathaniel, holding hands, whilst their baggage stood next to them. They were looking expectantly at the teachers, who were talking amongst themselves.

'Okay, class,' began Mr De Valk, 'we will be going to split up, go to your allotted homes, once there, you'll be allowed to get settled, tomorrow you'll be expected in the lessons of your pair. You're free the rest of the day, till 11 PM, when you're in your home. Good night.' He walked off with a teacher from the Dutch school.

'Shall we go, then? My mother is already waiting at the back.' Said Rutger, looking at Marc's and Nathaniel's hands with a questioning gaze.

'Sure.' Said he to him, having turned to Nathaniel, he continued, 'See you later.'

'See you later, Marc.' Said Nathaniel, going around to search for his pair.

Marc and Rutger went off to the back of the school, at the back, the car of Rutger's mother was already opened, and his baggage was stowed in quickly.

'So, Marc, how was your impression?' Asked Rutger, both Marc and he seated on the back benches of the car.

'I think it was pretty interesting. The Dutch isn't my strongest point, it was difficult to keep up sometimes.'

'Well, you'll see that it'll go ahead in leaps and bounds.' Returned Rutger with a smile. 'I hope you'll feel at home, coming week.'

'I hope so, too.' Said he, looking out the car's window. They stopped before they'd left the city, but near a forest, or at least a collection of trees, he didn't know how deep it went.

'We're here, will you help him, Rutger?' Came his mother's voice, having parked the car.

'Sure, mum.' Came Rutger's reply. He did as he had said, and helped Marc with his baggage. 'The house isn't the biggest, but in the sitting room we'll be able to play some cards or something.' He said as they were moving up the stairs. At the third floor, they stopped, and he was ushered into the room.

'Is this my room?' Asked he.

'Yes, it's my little brother's room. I mean, we could've placed you with me, but we thought that'd be a little awkward.'

'Are you so crammed for space?'


'Oh.' Said Marc. 'You know, I don't really mind, so long as I don't have to see you naked. Are you sure your brother doesn't mind my taking his room?'

'He doesn't mind. But let's get you settled.' They began by getting his bags out and ordering the few things he'd need every day onto the desk. After about an hour, his phone rang.

Taking it, he saw it was Nathaniel. 'Hey Nath, how are you?'

'Good,' said he, 'but I feel like I'm intruding on someone's space, how about we meet up? My pairing doesn't have anything against leading us around, yours?'

'Let me ask.' He turned to Rutger. 'Do you have anything against going on a walk with Nath, his pair and me?'

'Who's Nath's pair?'

'Nath, who is your pair?'


'Joris Vogel?' Asked Rutger, having heard the name from Marc. Marc turned the question to Nathaniel.

'Nath says yes.'

'Then I haven't got anything against it.' Stated Rutger, getting a slight tint in his cheeks.

'Rutger's got nothing against it, Nath. When and where are we going to meet?'

'Joris was thinking the Sint-Stevenskerk at 7.30 PM.'

'Till then, love you.'

'Love you, too, babe.' Marc turned to Rutger, telling him where and when they'd meet. Rutger excused himself not long after to get some privacy in his room, he wanted to write something down. Marc didn't mind, he still had to talk with Ziggy.

'So, Ziggy, about our conversation earlier today . . . '

'I know, I know, I know. You're just being realistic.' Pouted he.

'No, I wanted to say that I've thought about what you said, you're right. I can just make appointments and agreements with Nath, so we don't have to miss each other too much.'

'So you can see things from a positive angle.'

'Only with your help.'

'Don't . . . continue flattering me, please.'

'I . . . you never can't make me smile.' Said Marc in response, smiling brightly.

'Hey, I'm just here to help you realise just how positive you can be. I am quite hungry, though, it's difficult being your gay-iffier.' Marc gave a soft chuckle.

'I see what you did there.'

'What, me? I didn't do anything, what are you talking about.'

'Ziggy, I like you. How is the best way I can show you?'

'By giving me cheese.'

'I . . . I'll look for some, then.' Said he, moving out of the room chuckling. 

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