chapter 10

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Marc's POV

He woke up early in the next morning, looking at the beautiful redhead next to him. He smiled softly, letting his mind take its path. He softly stroked across Nathaniel's belly, smiling at himself.

'What are you doing?' Said Nathaniel sleepily.

'Circling your belly.' Answered he with a smile.

'Stop that. It tickles.'

'Sure,' said Marc, reluctantly stopping. Continuing to watch Nathaniel, he felt his cheeks heat up. He was lain in the bed of Nathaniel's!

'Your blush is cute.'

'Th-thank you.' Said he, starting to move out of the bed.

'You're beautiful.'

'Th-thank you.' He had just opened the door when he thought about his lack of knowledge of the house. 'Could you perhaps tell me where to find some coffee here?'

Nathaniel groaned, getting out of bed. 'I'll go with you.'

They went downstairs, then to the kitchen, where Nathaniel started making breakfast.

'You don't eat together?'

'No, only lunch and dinner we eat together.'

'Ah,' said Marc, being dumbfounded. He couldn't lay his head around the separated breakfast. They ate in Nathaniel's room, talking about each other's interests and the ideas Marc had for a second series. A few of the ideas were discarded when Marc wanted to change at ten.

Having changed, they went downstairs to get some sweets and soda. There Nathaniel's mother was sat, reading a newspaper. She looked up, saying: 'How was the night?'

'Good, mum.' Said Nathaniel, after which his mum looked at Marc.

'It was good, Mrs. Kurtzberg.'

'What are you planning on doing today?'

'Uhm, I, uhm, I don't know.' Said Nathaniel.

'I-I w-was hoping to p-play a g-game.' Said Marc, cursing his stutter.

'That sounds good.' Spoke Nathaniel.

'Well, have fun you two.'

After the conversation they went to Nathaniel's room and started playing cards. After about two hours they were called down for lunch.

'Ah, Marc, I'm Nathaniel's father, uhm, we would like you to have gone from the house at eight, before dinner. Have fun the rest of the day.' Said Nathaniel's father as they were settling down at the table.

'I-I was actually th-thinking about going at s-six.'

'That's fine of course.' Said his father quickly.

'What game did you play?' Asked Nathaniel's mother.

'We played cards.' Said Nathaniel.

'Are you planning on doing anything special in the Netherlands?'

'I w-wanted to bring back a s-souvenir for my parents and brother.' Answered Marc.

'Are you planning on bringing us something, Nath?' Interjected his mother before Nathaniel could say anything.

'Well, only if I find something.'

'Is there anything we want, darling?' Spoke Nath's father.

'I think I'd like a new cheese slicer, as well as some Gouda cheese; if you manage to keep it well, of course.'

'I'll look for it.' Said Nathaniel a little down.

The rest of the meal was filled with boring chit-chat, making Marc wish that the food was just done. After the meal, they went back upstairs, playing some more cards and also working a little more on a new idea for a comic. About five hours had gone by, it was nearly six o'clock, and Marc had to go soon.

'I should g-go soon.' Stated Marc, starting to rise. Nathaniel rose quickly, standing before the door.

'You shan't leave until you give me a kiss.' Marc smiled, making a move to peck Nathaniel lightly on the cheek. 'That's not good enough, I want a real, real kiss.' Said Nathaniel, having laid a finger on Marc's lips. 'A passionate making out session.'

'If that's what you wish . . . ' Said Marc smiling, moving forward, pushing his face into Nath's, saying: 'Let's end with a bang.' Before starting to conquer his mouth with his tongue. Nathaniel didn't just lay his tongue down, and after a short fight, Nathaniel conquered Marc's mouth. Marc turned around, so that his back was facing the corridor.

Breaking the kiss, he backed into the corridor. 'I'm sorry, but I really have to go.' Nath went down with him, and waved him out after a little peck on the cheek. He walked back home via backstreets, taking the shortcuts he knew.

Having arrived home, opened the door and hung his coat on the coat rack. He went up to his rooms and sat down in his couch, taking the book he had been reading the day before and continuing to read it. For dinner he was called down, and he helped his parents do the dishes. Afterwards they went into the sitting room to watch the news, his brother had been featured, so, obviously, they had to watch it.

The Sunday was filled with packing the rest of his bag, so tomorrow at 7 AM he could stand ready at the school.

So said, so done. 

(A/N: 792 words; okay, so, this chapter was a little delayed. I just want to say that I do have my reasons, I didn't know how to continue . . . but I'm back! And I'm trying to write some more, this week that shouldn't be a problem, were time to be my only problem. I'll try to put up another chapter before come Sunday, but I'm not promising anything.)

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