chapter 9 (how does one write fluff?)

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Nathaniel's POV

The ravenet stood there in front of him, looking for all the world like a male version of Aphrodite. Perhaps Eros? No, he was more beautiful. He took him to a restaurant Marc hadn't heard of before, a restaurant excelling in its quality of food. Letting the ravenet sit first.

'Oh, Nathaniel, you're so gallant,' said Marc jokingly.

'I can be very gallant, can't I?' He flashed a grin at him. Having sat down he looked at the menu being handed to him and Marc. Looking up at Marc he saw him smile softly at himself, it looked cute. He was cute.

'Could I take your drink orders?' Asked a waiter.

'Uhm, I would like some water.' Said Marc.

'The same for me.' (A/N: I don't know how you English-speaking folk order food in restaurants, okay)

'So that's two water.'

'Yes,' said Marc softly, not stuttering, which, Nathaniel noted, was very unlike what he knew of him. When the waiter had gone, Marc spoke again. 'So, what do you think you want to eat?'

'I'm thinking the spinach with tofu and chips, you?'

'I th-think that I want some p-pizza.' Nathaniel nodded at Marc's words, he had been thinking about pizza, too. Their water arrived a little later, over which they began talking about the exchange that would kick off come Monday. Just one more weekend, then they'd be gone from their homes for a week. When they had decided on their food, Nathaniel raised his hand to get the waiter's attention.

'Have you decided what you want to eat, sirs?' Asked he.

'Yeah, I wanted the fried spinach with tofu and chips.' Said Nathaniel.

'And I w-wanted a pizza margarita.' Marc's voice was a beautiful being, its melodiousness was oh so relaxing. If only there were a way to draw it.

'Okay, so fried spinach with tofu and chips and a pizza margarita. Can I get you some more water?'

'Yes, one more glass, please.' Said both he and Marc. The waiter went, leaving them behind talking about the comic. Their food arrived thirty minutes later and they began eating it.

'So, how do you think we could help Adrien?' Asked Marc.

'I think we should just let him contact us if he needs help.'

'Oh, I was actually thinking it would be a good idea to try making him laugh, what do you think of that?'

'That's a possibility, yeah . . . but what will you do to make him laugh, stutter?' Nathaniel had a grin splitting his face in two. Marc's fingers twitched, as if he wanted to do something with them. A smile appeared on his face, too.

'That's one way of making me confident,' mumbled he. 'It's true, yeah, but still. It's not exactly comforting to hear.'

'I'm sorry, Marc, I-'

'Oh, shut it, will you, it's a joke, no harm was meant.' Said he with the smile on his face brightening. 'Besides, you're right.' Said he after having eaten the final slice of his pizza. Nathaniel got an annoyed look on his face.

'That's . . . I didn't mean it, okay. What I was trying to do was-'

'Make me laugh.' Interrupted Marc.

'Yeah,' answered Nathaniel.

He took the last mouthful of spinach and patted his mouth off with a napkin. Taking the last little bit of water, he raised his hand so as to attract the waiter's attention. He was given a nod so he knew that he had been seen, letting him lower his hand.

'So, how much do you think you'll enjoy this weekend?' Asked Marc.


'On what?'

'On how much time I spend with you in it.' Said he with a sly smile.

'N-Nathaniel,' began Marc, blushing brightly. 'Why so outspoken?'

'Because I love you, Marc.' Marc turned into a tomato at his words, making Nathaniel's heart flutter. Right then, the waiter arrived.

'What can I do for you, sirs?'

'We would like to get the bill.' Said Marc softly.

'Okay, do you want to split it?'

'Yes, please.'

'I'll bring the cheque.' Said the waiter before going away. He returned a minute later with a plate bearing a POS terminal and two bills. 'So, that's €31,36 for you,' said he typing it into the terminal. He took the proffered terminal and payed. 'And then it is €30,98 for you.' Said he, turning to Marc whilst inputting it into the terminal. After they had paid, the waiter wished them a great day and took the terminal along with him. They went from the restaurant to the house of Nathaniel's. His parents looked a little off balance, but tried to look as if they were in complete balance.

They went to Nathaniel's bedroom, sitting down on his bed. Marc laid his head on Nathaniel's chest, just under his head. Nathaniel laid a hand on Marc's head, feeling at peace. They spoke of little matters, of interests and the like. After ten minutes like that, Marc spoke thusly:

'C-could I perhaps stay h-here the night? Were my parents t-to agree, of course.'

'I don't mind, neither do my parents, probably.'

'Then I'll ask them.' Said he, dialling his parents. He asked his mother, got an answer and gave a reason for why he should be allowed to stay. He thanked his mother and hung up. 'I'm staying here tonight,' said Marc jovially. 'Now, what have you prepared for us?'

'H-how do you know?' Said he, feeling called out.

'Just a guess.' Said Marc with a sly smile on his face. 'But what have you prepared?'

'Uhm, so like, I've got some stuff for a comic on there, I've got-'

'But what about that?' Said Marc, nodding to a pile of clothes on the floor.

'That's just my kind of clean pile.' An eyebrow on Marc's face was raised.

'Okay, if you say so.' Nathaniel just shook his head.

'Well, I've got a bed there, this is kind of my natural habitat, in a way.' Marc let out a chuckle, lifting Nathaniel's heart a little. 'Uhm, so, what do you want to do?'

Marc closed the distance between them and said: 'I just want to be with you for now.' He looked into Nathaniel's eyes as if he were enchanted. Nathaniel laid his head on the ravenet's, front head to front head, looking directly into his eyes. He softly laid his mouth on Marc's, seeing Marc smile softly, before opening his mouth, starting a full out making out session. They broke off when they were without breath. Panting, Marc held Nathaniel close to him. After a time, when the both of them had got their breath back, they went at it again. They broke off again when Nathaniel fell on his bed. His eyes flew open, seeing Marc right above him, grinning like a fool.

'I love you so much, Nathaniel, oh so much.' He lay down next to him, keeping an arm over Nathaniel, smiling heartily. 

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