Chapter 4 - Apoligies and Parties

Start from the beginning

"Not like that, she lives with me. You said it yourself, I can't have her hating me, I live with her." I say, although it's not the entire truth.

As we round the corner and Katherine comes into sight, we both fall silent. Her greens eyes lock with mine for barely a moment before the hastily look away.

"She's defiantly upset with you."

I roll my eyes. "No need to state the obvious."

She doesn't even greet us as we enter the classroom and I feel my heart sink in guilt. How could I be such a bitch after everything I myself have been through. I sigh. "I don't even know what I'm gonna say."

"All you have to do is apologies and make sure it sounds sincere." Elijah tells me as we take our usual seat in the back.

My eyes follow Miss Pearl as she moves about the room, preparing for the class as she waits for the tardy bell to ring and when it does she gets the hole of the classes attention by clearing her voice. Miss Pearl has a real gift in teaching, she's able to hold the hole classes attention and make the class sound interesting. In the last week I have already noticed an improvement in the hole classes ability to speak french and it quiet remarkable, and what puts the icing on the cake for me is the passion in her voice and the fire in her eyes, whenever she teaches us, especially when she's talking about what it's like in France.

The bell rings too soon for my liking and I can feel my heart begin to quicken in my chest and my palms become sweaty. I pack up slowly as I try to calm my nerves. "Good luck." Elijah grins as he leaves me alone in the class with Katherine, closing the door behind him.

Katherine sits at her desk grading papers, not once glancing to look up at me. I take a deep breathe and move to stand in front oh her desk, staring down at her, but still she doesn't look at me, so I clear my throat to get her attention. "Can I help you Lovell?" She asks and I flinch slightly at the harshness of her tone.

"Um, I just wanted to apologise." She sits back in her chair, crossing her arms and looking up at me, waiting expectantly. "For Tuesday, what I did was wrong... And just so you know, even if you had told Ms Fleming what you knew, I wouldn't of told anyone, about you, being gay."

"Why you do it?" She asks.

"If Ms Fleming suspected Elijah and I, we would have been expelled, and I don't know if you've noticed, but there aren't really any other schools around here for hours."

"I meant the cafeteria, the prank, why'd you do it?"

"Oh..." I look out the window on the far side of the room, that looks out over the back of the school, contemplating what to say. "I needed a distraction." I say softly never taking my eyes away from the window.

"What do you mean, a distraction?"

"It's complicated." I bring my blue eyes back to her green ones.

"Everything about you seems to be complicated." She says leaning forward and resting her elbows on her desk.

"That's because everything about me is complicated."

"How so?"

I smirk. "Sorry Miss Pearl, you can't know all my secrets."

She smiles. "With that smirk, I don't know if I want to know all your secrets."

"Yeah well, I don't know if I want to begin to imagine what secrets you hide behind that charming smile." Our eyes lock and I become lost in her green orbs.

Then there's a knock breaking me out of my trance. I clear my throat. "I um, I should probably go." I say and quickly rush to where I left my bag, then make my leave, brushing past the person at the door, not bothering to look at who it is.

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