Bakugo puffed out a huff in relief and handed him the bill for the cost of the wedding. The man looked at it, his eyes widened, but went back to normal. Mutters to himself 'That makes sense' and kept looking. After he was done he handed him the paper. "Are you seriously charging me for these flowers?" He tapped on the paper rapidly and pointed to what he meant.

"Yes... because the florist had to make this sculpture of them in detail. Do you have any idea how hard it was to find those kinds of flowers to match their skin tone? Apparently, it's a lot."

"But flowers-. Nevermind." The father dug in his pocket for his phone and turned it on, "Do you have a pay account?"

"Yeah, and if you'll excuse me, I have other things to take care of," he pushed himself off the chair and stacked the papers up nice and neat and pushed it to him. "You can deal with these tomorrow, mark it on your calendar, okay?" Bakugo asked and walked away from him and noticed his friends were here.

He rolled his eyes and walked up to them with his hands in his pockets, "Nice glasses, Mr. Wedding Planner!" The blonde one winked and stuck his tongue out teasingly.

"Oh please, they're just my reading glasses," he scoffed and took his hand out of his pocket to take his glasses off. "What happened to the bride and groom?"

"Well, they basically kiss and run from the altar and my guess is they are going in a circle as their way of celebration."

"That's an odd way of celebrating," Mina interjected as she was about to take a bite of the pastries.

"Not as odd as when you celebrate after breaking up with your ex, by stuffing yourself up full of cake."

"Oh hush, let me celebrate my way as I please. Speaking of celebrating, Kaminari. Wanna get a drink after this?" Mina nudged her elbow at his arm.

"Believe me, I would love to, but we have to stick around for the entire party to make sure nothing bad happens." Kaminari tried to put his words in a genuine nice way, but that only made Mina give him sad eyes.

"Pinky... Dunce face is right, besides, we'll all be tired once it's all over." Bakugo agreed with Dunce face and gave them a serious look, "Look, if we go out drinking tomorrow, will you continue to keep working?" He offered and that made Mina give him a look like he's asking if he's serious.

"What's there to do? I'm only a makeup artist. If the bride's mascara is ruined let me-." She stopped what she was going to say and saw the bride and groom enter the room. The both of them look like a mess. Mina worked on the bride for so long, it was a masterpiece that had gone to waste. "I'll accept your offer, only if you pay for everything that I get."

"Whatever that will get you to work, works for me," he said and opened up his planner book. "Headphones, get your band ready, we are way behind schedule. Dunce face, find Dumb hair and get him to start shooting." He ordered for them to do so. Mina just whined and groaned at the bride's attire and walked up to her.

Dunce face touched Bakugo's shoulder and held a light grip on it, "Hey, you think you can pay for me too?"

"Tch. In your dreams, Dunce face." Bakugo waved Dunce face off and kept his eyes on the planner and walked away to check on everyone else.

-That night-

Clank! The sound of beers clanged together as the group of friends celebrated their happy hour. Mina leaned back into her seat and took one huge gulp of beer and exhaled after a sip. "This is the best yet!" She exclaimed as she took yet another sip of her drink.

"She's only saying that because she couldn't drink any champagne last night," a black haired male mumbled and took a tiny sip of his beer.

The black haired man was sitting next to a redhead who was drinking a shot and squinted from the aftertaste. "Wow, that stuff's heavy." He blinked a few times and took a cup of water to gulp down to avoid getting drunk. "Sero, you sure you don't want a drink?"

The Wedding Planner's Affair-Wedding AU(Bakudeku/Dekubaku)Where stories live. Discover now