Chapter Two

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Ryder, Chase, and Skye drove to Mr. Porter's Café when the mayor ran towards them. "Thank goodness, you're here," she said. 

The three of them exited their vehicles. "Don't worry, Mayor Goodway," Ryder said. "We'll find her."

"Again," Chase muttered under his breath. Skye was the only one who heard, and she giggled at the joke. "Where was Chickaletta before she disappeared?" Chase asked.

"Well, I was picking up some groceries," the mayor explained. "I put my purse down for a second to help Mr. Porter pick up some fruits he dropped and carry them to his van. When Mr. Porter left to make his deliveries, I went to pick up my purse, and she wasn't there."

Chase walked over to the purse, which was still on the ground next to the fruit stand. "Have you moved or touched the purse since it happened?"

"No, I don't move it at all," the mayor replied.

Chase took a sniff inside the purse. He got the scent of the chicken reasonably quickly. He followed the odor around the fruit stand, towards the corner of the cafe, and disappeared behind the building.

"Skye," Ryder said. "Go up and see if you notice anything from above."

"I'm on it," she said. Skye ran towards the helicopter, hopped in, and took to the sky. She flew up about twenty feet, slightly higher than the cafe, to get a bird's eye view. Skye used her goggles to take a closer look. She saw Chase come around the other corner. 

Chase walked between the mayor and Ryder but continued walking to the road. He stopped and looked around. "The scent runs cold here," he exclaimed.

"Which means that Chickaletta must have entered the van before Mr. Porter left," Ryder guessed. "Skye, I need you to find the van."

Skye nodded and flew off. She flew around for about five minutes before finding the van. "Ryder, I found the van. It's on its way to Jake's mountain."

"Okay, thanks," Ryder said. "Come on, Chase." Ryder and Chase hopped into their vehicles. Ryder tried to turn on the engine, but the motor made a creaking noise. "Come on," he exclaimed. He tried again, but the engine wouldn't start. "Change of plans. Chase, can you go after the van?"

Chase nodded. "You can count on me, Ryder, sir," he said. Chase turned on the siren to his cruiser and sped off.

Chase made it to the van a few minutes later. "Mr. Porter, please pull over," Chase announced through his megaphone.

Mr. Porter, seeing the sirens in the rear-view mirror, pulled over to the side of the road. He got out of his van as Chase ran up to him. Skye hovered a few feet above. "What's the problem, Chase?"

"I think that you might have a stowaway in your van," Chase replied.

Mr. Porter scratched his head. "I do?" He walked over to the back doors and opened them wide. Sure enough, Chickaletta was standing next to the crate that held corn. She had pulled one piece out of the box and started eating the kernel. "I do have a stowaway," Mr. Porter stated. "But how did she get in?"

"She probably got in while you were looking the other way. And considering that she ate most of the kernel off that cob, she must have been hungry."

"But I just gave Mayor Goodway some cobs earlier today," Mr. Porter stated.

"I guess Chickaletta didn't notice, so she went off to find her very own food. But don't worry, we'll take her back. Here, Chickaletta. Let's get you back with Mayor Goodway."

Chase and Skye drove to Mr. Porter's cafe, where Ryder and the mayor were waiting for them to return. Ryder had gotten the engine of his ATV to start. Mayor Goodway ran over to Chae's cop cruiser and picked up Chickaletta from the back seat.

"Oh, Chickaletta," she exclaimed. "You had mommy very worried." She put the chicken inside her purse, along with an extra cob, which she started pecking at immediately. "Thank you, Paw Patrol."

"No problem, Mayor Goodway," Ryder replied. "Whenever you're in trouble, just yelp for help." Ryder, Chase, and Skye said goodbye to the mayor and began on their way to the Lookout.

As they left, Chase said, "She should get a tracker for that chicken", which earned a laugh from Ryder and Skye. Chase looked up at the sky. Strange pink, red, and purple clouds were gathering above the city. Chase has never seen any clouds like them before. "Skye, be careful," he said through his pup tag. "The storm seems pretty bad, and you're in the middle of it."

"Don't worry, Chase," Skye responded. "I'll be fine." As she drove, she felt the power of the storm pushing against her copter. "Chase is right," she told herself, "I need to be more careful."

A pink lightning bolt struck Skye's helicopter. The helicopter started to spin fast as it fell to the ground. "Mayday! Mayday," she yelled, but the lightning had destroyed any form of communication.

Ryder kept driving, unknowing of what was happening behind him. He thought that Chase and Skye were still behind him, so he kept going forward.

However, Chase noticed it. He watched in disbelief as the helicopter plummeted into the bay. Chase turned to the Ryder. He would've called Ryder and explained what happened, but he couldn't risk a second. Chase drove off-road and parked it next to the water. He hopped out, calling out the cockapoo's name. "Skye! Skye!" he yelled. He couldn't see her anywhere. He ran into the water, looking for her. "Where are you?!" He heard something to his right, so he turned his head.

Skye was walking out of the water. She was limping, but other than that, she seemed fine. "Ch...Chase," she said weakly. Chase started to run over to her but was thrown back when another pink lightning bolt hit Skye.

Chase felt dizzy and as if the world was spinning. When he regained his consciousness, he looked over to where the cockapoo was now on the ground, not moving at all. "Skye!!"

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