Just remember that I don't belong to you"

Blondie was quick to whip out her phone and flick it on silent, but not before a few snickers were heard through the class. She began to blush furiously and held her head low. 

"Lauren Jauregui, you've got good taste, Blondie," I whispered, leaning closer so that no one else could hear.

She just nodded, and seemed to zone out. 

"Grace," she murmured.

"My name's Lindsay?" I questioned.

"No, Grace, that's my name, not Blondie. Grace Gorley."

I nodded, an apologetic smile on my face, "Nice to meet you, Grace Gorley."

"Nice to meet you too, Lindsay," muttered Grace, unconsciously fiddling with an intriguing gold coin between her fingers. 

The class ended shortly after, and I was quick to exit, eager to get some food into my starving belly. Walking out of the classroom, I was swept up and spun around in the air. I knew exactly who the toned arms and warm chest belonged to. None other than my amazingly goofy and loving boyfriend, Gio. 

"I haven't seen you for a few days," he commented, pecking me on the cheek, "I missed you."

"I missed you too, babe," I responded, smothering him with adoring kisses.

I was in the middle of giving Gio another peck on the lips when someone caught my eye. Looking over to the entrance of the dean's office, I saw Shannon laughing and exiting while shaking the dean's hand. She saw me staring and made her way over to Gio and I. 

"Lindsay! I'm surprised I ran into you, this place is so big," she chuckled, glancing over at Gio. 

"Oh," I laughed, "Gio, this is Shannon. Shannon, this is my boyfriend, Gio."

"Nice to meet you, ma'am," Giovanni smiled, greeting Shannon. 

I tried to control a laugh as I looked at Gio and asked, "Ma'am?"

He just shrugged, "It's respectful."

"You might have to get used to calling me 'ma'am' as well, Lindsay. As you probably noticed, I just got out of an interview with the Dean. You're looking at the newest Professor in the Physical Science department!"

"No way! Congratulations, Shannon," I chirped, giving her a congratulatory hug. 

"Thank you, thank you, I'll be starting tomorrow. Anyway, I'll let you two lovebirds get back to it! Nice to meet you, Gio. See you at home, Lindsay."

Shannon left and the next fifteen minutes were filled with informing Gio of who Shannon was.


"I'm not having a flock of children before I'm thirty!" I argued, running my hands over my face in frustration. 

"I'm not asking for a flock, Lindsay, but you know how traditional my parents are. They want me to marry by 23, build a family by 30, just like everyone in Italy does!" Gio shouted. 

"We're not in Italy, Gio! As much as I love her, it's not about what your mom wants. It's about what we want. Do you want all that, Gio?" 

"I guess. I mean, I was brought up that way, it's just normal for me. I want my kids to grow up like that too!" 

"I'm twenty years old, Gio. I'm not even thinking about kids yet," I groaned, falling onto my bed heavily. 

"Well maybe you should think about it, Lindsay. We are perfect for each other, and it's not right now. I'd propose within the next year, we'd get married just after we graduate, then we would start our family. You wouldn't even be in school anymore, nothing holding you down. I love you, Lindsay, but I'm gonna head home before this gets any worse than I thought it would when I brought up the subject of marriage," Gio uttered, slamming the guest house door behind him.

I just stayed, laying face down on the bed, letting out a frustrated groan. 

"Usually you need two people to be groaning that loud," came from the doorway, and I looked up to find Shannon leaning against the framing. 

I caught on to her joke almost immediately, and quipped back, "I'm just that good."

"Okay, Lana Rhoades, let's go, dinner's ready," she laughed.

Giggling, I jumped up and followed her back towards the main house. 

Isn't banter just the best? Oh, I love myself so much. 

Thank you for reading!

Love, comment, continue reading!

Keep safe xx

-T.J Starc

The Professor: AKA My Mom's Best Friend (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now