Part 14 - Epilogue / Announcement

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This chapter is Maka's point of view. This chapter is kind of short since I felt that I just needed to give the story some kind of closure. There will be an announcement at the end of this chapter. Enjoy the official final chapter of "You're Not Alone" :) Try listening to "The Call" by Regina Spektor when you read this.

Maka's POV

It's been about 2 months since Kid and Crona died.

When Stein did an autopsy of Kid's body, he discovered that Kid passed away just 10 seconds after Crona was executed. Seems like he couldn't stand to be even a minute without her.

We never found out how she was executed though. We were just told that it was a quick and painless process. It's probably for the best that we didn't find out. A strong part of me believes that Lord Death did it himself . Doesn't matter though. What's done is done. No use troubling ourselves over something we couldn't control.

(A/N : Please do not have any harsh feelings towards Lord Death. He knew that Kid loved Crona but he was more concerned about keeping Death City safe. It actually pained him the most to see Kid in the state he was.)

A week later was the funeral. Everyone was there. Tsubaki, BlackStar, Liz, Patty, Soul, Blair, Stein, Ms.Marie, Kim, Jackie. Even Kilik, Harvar, and Ox were there. They told us that they said some pretty hurtful things about Crona and that they were sorry. I wonder if Kid ever knew about that.

I don't know what the future holds for us. It's going to be pretty lonely without them two around. I'll always remember Crona. Even if everyone else forgets, I won't. Because she taught me something. She taught me that sometimes being alone is okay. It helps you solve questions about the world. It gives you time to reflect on who you are and what you want from the world.

You see, sometimes being alone can make you feel sad. But as humans, we need loneliness. Because with loneliness, we figure out what comfort is and how empty we were without it. And when we find the people who give us that comfort, we call them our friends. But only one person can give us more then comfort. We just have to find that one person.

And only then have we found our soulmate. And only then we'll finally realize that we'll never be alone.

The End


Whoo Hoo! This story can officially be considered finished. :D Everybody dance now! You know what that means right? It means that I can work on another story for you guys. I already have ideas down for the following ships :

Hetalia :




Spamano ( I might have two planned for these two)

France x Joan of Arc / Lisa

Fairy Tail :

Attack on Titan :

Connie x Sasha

Eren x Levi (I don't have an idea for them but I really wanna write a fanfic for them two <3

Thank you to all who read my story and supported it. I love you all and as always love goes out to my Velociraptors :D

- Forever and Always Sommie Musso

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