Part 7 - The Next Day

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I'm really sad right now and I'm gonna tell you guys why below...I'm not a bad sad though. I'm a happy sad or more of an excited sad but you guys will be sad...or happy...depending on the news..


The next morning was Saturday which meant no school for all DWMA students. The previous night, during dinner, Soul decided to invite BlackStar to play a game of 1 on 1 in basketball. BlackStar invited Tsubaki and Tsubaki invited Liz and Patty. Maka decided that she would come to since she had nothing better to do but as always, she said that she would be sitting on the sidelines reading Blame The Kiss by Jamie Alvarez. While eating, Maka decided to invite Crona to come with them to the basketball court.

"Hey Crona," Maka started, "do you wanna come with us to go play basketball tomorrow morning?"

Crona swallowed a piece of her chicken and looked up at Maka. It wasn't rare for Crona to be asked if she wanted to go someplace with the rest of the group, but she usually declined with the fear of being a burden to everyone else.

'A-are you sure you want me to come with the rest of you guys? "

It was finally Soul's turn to speak, "Of course. We might need an extra person on our team since a certain stick-in-the-mud doesn't would rather read books all day."

Maka shot Soul an angry look and Soul responded with a kiss on her cheek. Maka blushed and continued to eat her dinner. Soul knew that Maka always gets embarassed when he starts to act lovey-dovey with her and used this to his advantage to avoid getting Maka-chopped.

Crona started to speak again,"I'm not r-really good at sports. I don't want to cause anyone trouble."

"Don't worry. Maka's probably worse than you but we still let her play."

This time, no amount of kisses could stop Maka from giving Soul a Maka-chop with one of her largest books.

"Since when do you keep dictionaries at the kitchen table?" soul asked recovering from the blow to his head.

"Since the day we first moved in together." Maka looked at Crona. "You'll be fine Crona. I might not be good at basketball but Patty is. She'll teach you all there is to know about basketball."

"T-thank you Maka. Will Kid-kun be there a-also?" asked Crona, looking down at her plate with her bangs in her hair, picking at her mashed potatoes.

Soul, after finally recovering, answered, "Most likely."

Crona tried to hide her blush, with no prevail, and said a simple quiet, "Oh."

The next morning at around 10:00 am, Maka and Soul were already dressed and eating breakfast. Maka noticed that Crona was not at the table with them and asked Soul, "Where's Crona? I thought I told you to wake up her up an hour ago."

Soul shrugged, still eating his pancakes and said, "She said she was feeling sick and didn't feel like going with us today."

Maka, who obviously knew that  was a lie, got up and went to Crona's room. If there was one thing she knew, it was that witches never get sick. Maka opened Crona's door to see her sitting in her usual corner, unaware of Maka's presence, hugging her legs saying, "I can't deal with lying." over and over again.

Maka walked over to Crona and said, "Hey Crona, are you alright?"

Crona jumped up and began to do some fake coughing.

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