Thank You :)

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WhoHoo! The next chapter is the final chapter! There will be another epilogue type thing at the end for a bonus chapter to tell you what happens after the events of next chapter. So be ready for some feelings \(^.^)/

Follow me on Instagram if you want to: Personal @sommie_musso Cosplay @sammehdoll to see my coplays and I'll start posting things about my fanfics up there too. I don't have a lot of pictures since I still need to take more. 

Thank you everyone who supported me while writing this and stayed with me even though I updated this really slow. Although I know there's a dedication button somewhere on this site, I can't find it but I would like to dedicate this story to @Polariod_kid for nagging me about updating lol, @The_Fab_Crona, @souleater_crona, @Happily_Insane and @__Crona__Gorgon__ for all the wonderful comments. I would also like to thank all of the people from other countries outside the US.

I honestly thought that no one would ever read my story but here I am with 1.9K views 55 favorites and 27 comments. You gys inspire me to keep writing and I hope that you all will continue to support me as I write more fanfictions. Thank you Thank you Thank you all. Love goes out to my Velociraptors <3

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