chapt 7 • Madelyn & More Deals

Start from the beginning

From here, the girl seems to be flirting with him. Twirling a piece of her brown hair between her fingers looking up to him. Alessio on the other hand, looks like he'd much rather get back to the book in his hand.

I approach them, I notice that his face is clear of blush and the flirting comments of the girl only seems to make her lightly touch his arm.

"I didn't mean to come so late, forgive me?" I look up too him with innocent eyes, standing in front of the girl. I can feel her burning gaze shooting knifes behind my head.

Then it returns, the small blush that appears every time we make eye contact.

"It's fine, I wasn't waiting for long" He reassures but I know he only said that to be kind.

"Yeah, I kept him company" The girl behind me says, I finally turn to find her smiling at me.

"Madelyn DeBlue" she introduces herself, her fake smile is so obvious.

Didn't ask.

Don't care.

"Honey Rose" I return the smile back too her, and she looks me up and down before returning to opening her mouth.

"I've heard a lot about you, your eyes are just so pretty up close" she adds a small laugh at the end of her sentence.

"Thank you Madison, but Alessio and I have a project together that we should be working on right now so if you excuse us"-

"It's Madeyln" she corrects.

"I said that, did I not" I furrow my eyebrows in fake confusion seeing how it's tearing away her fake personality right now.

"When do you think you'll be free? We were in a bit of a discussion before you so kindly interrupted" she looks up to Alessio.

"That would be hard to tell, this project is going to need his undivided attention. We simply don't have time for unnecessary distractions" Her lips gaped open in disbelief, I turn back to Alessio and look up at him.

"Ready?" He only nods and I place my hand around his forearm. "Is this okay?" his blush goes deeper and he nods again as if that's the only form of communication he can make with me right now.

"Perfect then" We exit out of the library, leaving Madison there by herself.

The crowd of students is now gone and I walk us up the stairs into the bedroom quarters to my to room.

When we finally get there, I let go of his arm. His body was still against mine the entire time.

"Are you okay?" I ask but he avoids looking at me.

"Should we be in your room? I mean it's just that the rules and that"-

I close my door and place my books on my desk, he just stands besides my bed.

I now stand in front of him. "Having a tutor is the only exception, besides" I watch his lips slowly part and I look down at them.

"I don't bite" But I sure do want too, I can only stare at his lips for a few more seconds and the almost hear the beat of his heart through the white button up.

"Not unless you want me too" I tease and he looks like he's about to fumble on his words.

"I'm joking Alessio" I shake my head knowing that I was far from kidding.

I sit on my bed and watch him sit at the chair and pick out which topics for us to study today.

Alessio's figure was no doubt enough to make the room hot, his muscles were like a tease every time he moved the slightest bit, they flexed.

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