"Okay... Bang Chan; how did you find my apartment?" 

"I saw you yesterday" 

"Mhm. I remember" I replied sarcastically, remembering all the fuzz

"I followed you" 

"What for?" 

"You were on my lands. I needed to question you" 

"Your lands?" 


"I don't mean to be rude but... do you suffer from some illness or something?" 


Stupid. As if he were to say otherwise. 

"So, you followed me, then what?" 

"I was actually going to walk back, but I got lost." 

"You got lost in your own lands?" I mocked, but he didn't seem to get it, and instead, replied for real. 


"What happened to your friends?" 

"What friends?" He asked. 

"The ones who came running to us yesterday" 

"Oh, my servants?" 

"I mean, whatever you call them, yeah" 

"They are my servants. They need to protect me. I'll be chopping heads when I get back." 

"Chopping heads? You sound like a mad king" 

"I am a king." 

"Sure, and I'm a princess" 

"You certainly are not a princess" He pursued his lips, containing a small laugh. 

"Very funny. So, what happened next?" 

"I followed your track, got the bottom of the mountain, saw you running towards the transport machines and-"

"And you got on the same bus" I interrupted, figuring it out. 


"Oh really?" I mocked, now that I got him right into the trap. 


"So... "King" Chan" 

"King Bang, or your majesty."  He corrects me, very seriously. 

"Your majesty, of course" I tried my best not to laugh out loud. "So you got on the bus?" 


"A bus" 


"What year were you born?" 


"Riiiight, right. And if you were born a King that long ago, how on earth would you know what a bus is? Or how to ride it?" 

He fell perfectly in it. All this story he was trying to make up came to an end; guess he didn't think about it properly. 

However, his face didn't show any surprise of my words, he was still very very calm, as if I was the crazy one. 

"I've done it before, in my dreams." He replies, which makes me stop laughing. 

"Ride a bus?" 

"Everything. That's why I am not surprised of the "city". All these buildings as you call them, the transport machines, clothes, even your way of talk, I have seen it before, and the little I have learned, is because of it." 

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