Chapter 1- School's out.

Start from the beginning

"I'm gonna miss you May, have fun in your brother's pack. Don't give up on the whole mate situation by the way. You'll find him soon enough."

I silently closed the door with a bidding smile and tried to not let it slip from my face. It had been a month since I had shifted. Being an alphas daughter I had unfortunately shifted too soon for my own good and had endure the pain without being with my pack. It was now July and I still hadn't found him. I honestly thought I'd find my mate within the week seeing as how big the packs are here in London. But alas, I was 16 and mate less. My father would approve of this, he never wanted me to find my mate. Always wanted me to be 'daddy's little princess'.

I slowly walked down the narrow hallway, decorated to perfection with red plush carpets and dark mahogany walls. Lockers were splayed out in random places with glass cabinets lining the left corridor, leading to the head mistresses office.

Finally coming to my locker I rooted through my pockets searching for the key, silently cursing when I couldn't find it. I could practically Hear my mothers disapproval of not improving my organisation skills ringing in my ears.

"Looking for this?" I swivelled round to see the one girl I hated more than anything in this world. Bethany Coldworth. I noticed she was holding a silver small key with a yellow key ring hanging down from it with the number 73 written on it in purple sharpie.

"Yeah, mind passing me it?" I asked, holding out my hand towards her. She smirked and placed it in my hand carefully. I turned back to my locker, half expecting her to leave and be on her way home for summer, but she didn't.

"S'pose you're looking forward to getting out of here for good, huh Katherine?" I scoffed at the use of my first name, no one ever called me that except my parents. I slammed my locker shut after grabbing every book and photo I had ever had in it during my years here.

"Yep, can finally get away from some of the bitches that go here" I said, casting one last look in her direction.

The most irritating thing with Bethany was the fact that she wasn't your stereotypical bitch. She wasn't overloaded with makeup or tan and she obviously didn't wear slutty clothing considering we all wore the exact same thing in school. She was in fact a very average girl. Quite pretty with black hair, brown eyes and a pale complexion with several spots lining her forehead and chin. She was tall with a big build and an absolute loathing of sports.

I honestly didn't know why she hated me so much, but I was glad to finally get away from her insults and constant jabs and punches during dance class.

I clasped my books tightly to my chest and exited the school doors, letting out a breath of air I didn't realise I was holdings

I skipped down towards the car park, waving to some girls who were in my class and were currently running to catch the tube home.

"Hey May! Hold up girly!" I stopped and smiled, not needing to turn around to know it was Serina, one of my best and only female friends.

"Hey curly" She exclaims coming to a stop next to me and linking her arm through mine as I heard another pair of footsteps behind me. I sighed and held out my arm, knowing it would be Sophie behind us.

She grabbed my arm and laughed as we began walking down the steps towards the ridiculous amounts of cars on our school complex.

"Hi shortie!" I grunted at Sophie's greeting as they both clung to my arms like wild bears and approached Tyler's car.

"Do you guys just have to shout out my features for pet names cause you're lazy or-?" They shrugged and jumped in the silver jeep along side each other whilst I jumped in the front passenger seat besides Tyler eagerly. I laid my books down on the dashboard and passed my bag to Serina who rolled her eyes and threw it on the car floor.

"Who died and made me your slave?" She questioned, pulling a tongue out at me. Sophie giggled and elbowed her.

I sat back forward, grinning as I did and turned towards Tyler.

"Hey baby" I looked at his tall blonde form, his blue eyes shining as he smiled at me with some sort of happiness in them. I smiled even wider in return, causing my lips to hurt and crack with dried skin as I did. Damn, had to buy some Chapstick.

"Hey love" I said. He leaned over the seat and pressed his lips against mine. Holding my chin in place to keep the kiss going until we heard the girls 'awing' in the back seat.

We pulled away and laughed. Tyler began pulling out of his parking spot and reversing out of my school for the last time.

"You guys are so 'effing cute!" Serina said in admiration. I giggled and turned around to pat her on the head. She swatted my hand away and attempted to bite my fingers, typical crazy girl.

"Honestly, I think you're gonna last forever with this level of cuteness" Sophie said, casually typing away on her phone with a megawatt smirk on her face.

I let my head fall back onto the seat a frown etching itself onto my face.

If only that were true.

My name is Katherine May-Anne Crimson, and this is the story of how I met my mates, my future and my downfall.

YAYYYYY 2 chapters in one day and no one even reads this! Oh well. I totally love writing it and I'm gonna keep going until I've finished this Damned book!

Hope you guys liked it.

M x

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